After a number of years playing out as a solo artist; Jonathan Reuel recorded and Seconds to Sunrise which started JRL. This was 2005. Soon after this Nate Butler (drums) and Amber Butler (bass guitar and vocals), and Kimberly Glick (oboe, vocals) joined Reuel for a year of local shows, short tours and recording based in Charlottesville, VA. This band recorded the second jrl album record together, entitled "Caught in the Paydirt." It was released in August 2006.After Paydirt, Glick returned to college, the Butlers headed west, and Jonathan hit the pavement full time in support of the new record. Sept 2006 to May 2007 was constant touring -- little shows, long drives between VA, TX, and a myriad of haunts in the midwest.Summer 2007 found Reuel in the studio again, cutting touring back to short trips. Fall and early winter saw the release of jrl Now, Jonathan's first studio record recorded live with just a guitar and harmonica. Long time fans said "finally". December meant house concerts and a chance to open for Over The Rhine.Reuel is back in the studio working on the second half of the Now Project -- which includes full band versions of some of the Now songs as well as new material.
Now, the Newest JRL Project is here. 12 new songs. Includes I Don't Mind Waiting, Someone Elses' Dream, and 10 others. $12 plus shipping and handling.
JRL's first CD, Seconds to Sunrise: is available for purchase using Pay Pal. It costs $15 plus shipping and handling. 12 tracks.