Wow! Kazam! A scare, a total sanctum for lunars all around. Peaches, solar e-klipsiz. Shnozwinks and cherry pies. INTERNATIONAL KLEIN BLUE!!! Gluttons, I am interested in gluttons, perfect gluttons...are you there gluttons? Sick, vom...pous... Mongrels and dis-lodgerz from all over the place. I am also interested in snake bites, or blue vein cheese - you decide... Fluro guarsh - Space and being upside down... Losers are cool...totes get me? I understand..."Swing-Hipp" - bic, fluro, white chalk"Close Up Of Ma-Hogg" - bic, fluro, white chalk"Good Bye Sweet Nebula" - bic, fluro, white chalk"Dip Me In Bee-Hive And Throw Me Up Your Lesbian Hell Hole"
Dave Bowza, Syd Barry-Humphries, No Nukes (real cool), The Poridgy, Mr. Bunglo-Bill, Fantomas-totes, The Beatless, Bob Dylcream, Jim Hen, John Lemmon-Head, The Wankers, Freaks Without a Cause, Barnicle Fest, Humungus Horatios' Grin, The Backwards Bastards, Narley Klipz, Amanda Huggin-Kiss, totes Nukes, The Ice Heads, Needle Men, Hungry Hopers, The Spoof Artists, Nine Times Ten Equals Death, Infinite Squadron, The Salvador Dalies, Overt Mongrels, Hovering Pous Parties, Naked Horros, Heros of Myspace, We Saved The World, Polymorphus-Peverse, The Ridgy-Didges, The Noong Noong Trio, Backyard Pizza Mix, DjMittenhands, Some Mothers So av Em, Winkle Pickers, Control Scopes, The Modern Lovers, Nick Cave, oh yeh, and the Bad Seeds, Musique Pour Dali, Unheard Cringe Fest, Jefferson Airplane, The Velvet Underground, Dj Hopless, Dj Shadow, Rolling Stones, Beck, Beastie Boys [gonna getchya {maybe}], The Mary Queens, Caravane Blelie, The Mars Volta, Syd Barrettttt, The Down And Outs, Cut-Knick, Cat-Nip, Butt-Hole-Sufers-Paradise, This is Boring, The I'm Outta Heres', Get Out Now!, The Maybe I Shoulds, Get Used To It
A Boy And His Dog
When I think of television, I think of a little tumour popping in my head releasing vicious chemicles which then naturaly drip out my ear causing others to shriek..."Don't worry, I'm only watching television..."They end up taking it easy and we just become good friends...simple, so just take it easy will you? Fuck...
FUCK BOOKS - Opus Pistorum - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Secret Life of Salvador Dali, Catcher in The Rye or Somthing, y' books and shit...
Hunter.S.Thompson, John Cleese, Salvador Dali, Heironymous Bosch, Ralph Steadman, Syd Barrett, Papa Lazarou...a few other wanks too, they to are goods in the bundle...goddam i hate myself...