dungeon (the Fetus'es) profile picture

dungeon (the Fetus'es)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I listen to PUNK ROCK,fuck the radio and MTV,I hate when people ask me if I like all their mainstreem bands after saying that.I hang out downtown(19th.st.biaaatch)I like to do what ever I feel like doing.I love alot of international punk.I do not have a job.Im not out to piss anybody off,Im a natural,without trying.Im just myself,fuck it.I dont really give a fuck.Im me,and if you dont like it,you can suck my dick.I make food for food not bombs.I have 2 dogs,1 male German Shepard named Peanut,and 1 female PIT Bull named Lily.Alcohol activism.

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My Interests

shity drums/reading(i hate life and im anti-social)/Bike ridding(fuck cars)/coffee/green tea/commedy,I like Bill Hicks and Andrew Dice Clay (you fucking snaper head)/NINTENDO/extreem porn/working out/bumbing change and washing windows/walking with my headphones on really fucking loud/astrology/punk rock/championship fighting/individualism(fuck everyone else)/making a music venue for the punx/anti-authority/new age crap/having travelers stay at my house(YEAH,i HAVE A HOUSE,NOW WHAT BITCH,HAHA)/

I'd like to meet:

my dad/G.G Allin,but he's dead/punks that drink and dont do drugs/the GEICO lizzerd/the GEICO caveman/


valse triste,totally obnoxious,gg allin,english dogs(mad punx),j.m.k.e.,bomb squadron,the pist,Asta kask,oxymoron,Rattus,conflict O.K.The Bastards,chaotic dischord,rabia,D.U.I.,generation x,head trauma,cheep sex,liquor store,vaggie skabs,Att morda En Overdnad.the howlers,suspicious stains,loiter whores,the bips,toxic narcotic,last priority,psyclone rangers,active ingredients,the dablers,i.o.c.,dead kennedys,45 grave,uss,snap her,riistetyt,funeral dress,blitz,clockwork times,exploited,overflow,mdc,attak,mau mau's,r.p.m.,the forgotten,jean sibelius,unseen,dont care,board of suppervisors,venom,casualties,disorder,confuse,subhumans,ash tray,adicts,electronaze,the threats,rudimentery peni,one way system,divatchkas,reno divorce,the luky fucks,the varukars,the skulls,the boozgunks,the neurophobics,the scabs,the oppresed,oi polloi,brutally frank,secret hate,angry samoans/gogol bordello/anti-seen/bad brains/peter and the test tube babies/x-ray specks/dont care/4-skins/cockney rejects/cock sparrer/g.b.h./the fetus'es/distrucktions/kansan Uutiset/lama/anti-kontole/loose change boys/featuring members/The order of File and Claw/Too Short/Dico Rick and the Dogs/n.w.a./b.w.p.


garbage pail kids,bad manners.eddie murphy-delirius,They Live,the longest yard,may,bad santa,ladys man,jack frost (horror),battle royle.dont be a menice to south central while drinking your juice in the hood.army of darkness.nuke 'em high/waterworld/terror firmer/the wariors/inspector gadget/judgment night/dragonheart/silent trigger/


There aint anything good on hardley ever.I like mad t.v. and the simpsons,married with children,mind of mencia.I don't like soap operas,they suck really bad,I like whatevers on comedy central.THERES A NEW SHOW ON W/THE GEICO caveman in it.


the philosiphy of punk/the guide to getting it on/gross jokes/1984/the angry book/the book of the sub genius/nation of rebels"why counterculture bacame consumer culture/good sex bible/the worst case scenario survival handbook(yeah,Im a nazi)/the secret of santa vittoria/how to be a villain-evil laughs,sectret lairs,master plans and more/the PRACTICLE JOKERS HANDBOOK/book of runes/Linda Goodmans love sighns/how to get the truth in 5 min./Estonian-English concise dictionary/dream dictionary/humen sexualiy/kama sutra-an ultimate photographic guid to the arts of love/Where there is no doctor-a village healthcare handbook/living with brain injury-a guide for familys/TOOMAS,the little armenian boy/great sex games/Estonia,Latvia & Lithuania/catch-22/punk's war/the compleete bartender/protest:man agaist society/the little mermaid/men in love/Armenian-English/the greatist is love/dragon skins/how to be twice as smart-boost your brain power and unleash the miracles of your mind.the house that biff built/Jacki Chan-the best of inside kung fu/


/myself/ryan sick/punk rock musicians/Justin Armendariz cdc# f-32607,i.s.p. a-5-206,p.o.box 2199,blythe,ca 92226/g.g. allin/Villu Tamme ja j.m.k.e./Valse triste/Wakey Walrus and English Dogs(mad punx)//oh fuck,just look at the music section of this.Villu Tamme is a bad mother fucker,I swear to god/Jacki Chan/

My Blog

Rodney White is a dirty cock sucker

fuck that stupid mother fucker.he told me that the smell of my house reminds him of being fucked in his ass when he was a little boy.he has fight for freedom on his jacket and he's a total control fre...
Posted by dungeon (the Fetus'es) on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:18:00 PST