*.Mr. Mikey's Mom.* profile picture

*.Mr. Mikey's Mom.*

..O..o..u knO thaT dOnt reaLLy meaN a thinG 2 me caNt NO boy evEr rUn gaMe On mE..o..O..!!

About Me

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aKa miSs paRadiSe
abOut Me...

iTaLiaN LovE, hUgZ n KiSses....x.O.x.O.x.O....mOmMY LovEs yOo LiL miKeE! WeLL im ItaliaN! And I haVe brOwN eYes anD brOwnisH reD haiR! I am very dOwn tO earth anD Like to have fun! I alsO have a baby bOy who mEans the World to me!! He wAs born SepTember 18, 2005! He is my everything anD I Luv hiM with everYthing in me!! TheRes mOre tO me Than LoOks. iM a very niCe girL wiTh tOns Of dreaMs n prObLemS Like everyOne eLse. dOnt juDge me tiLL yOo knO me!

I Luv my son
my bOo LiL mikey


mOmmy n LiL MikeY LiviN thE Life....staY pimPin LoviN eveRy daYi LoVe LiviN mY Life!! i haVe sO maNy greaT thiNgs and greaT peoPLe in mY Life! i'Ve beeN thrU a Lot bUt timE heaLs it aLL! im That girLs whO faLLs sO hard fOr a bOy aNd enDs uP aLone sO i dOnt LoOk anymOre....he'LL cUm tO me! i ThinK bOys/giRLs thaT cheaT haVe aLotta grOwing uP tO Do! it dOesnT maKe yOo LoOK cooL...yOo actuaLLy aRe huRtinG sumOne!! i'Ve beeN cheaTed tOo maNy timEs 2 thE poinT wheRe i wOnt puT my heaRt Out thEre.....thE heaRtbreaK in thE enD is tOo mucH!! iF yEr haPPy wiTh the One yEr wiTh dOnt giV it aLL uP fOr One niTe Of fUn oR juSs cuZ yEr "iN thE mOod" iF itS reaL LovE ....seX wiTh anOther persOn is NevEr woRTh it!! LeaRn frOm yEr mistaKes!!i LOVE 2 haVe fUn n stiLL dO certaiN *tEenaGe thiNgs* bUt nOthing tOo chiLdisH!! me n My frieNds caN handLe whaT we dO anD we knO Our LimiTs anD every SingLe tIme we KiK it we haVe SoO muCh fUn wheTher we'Re actuaLy "paRtyiNg" oR juSs siTTin baCc at The hOuse watChin t.V! thaTs why i Lub my frieNds...NO DRAMA!! anD my maiN Love is CAMPING!!! sOoOo fuN! i put my family anD God number One ALWAYS!! without them i wOod be nOthing!! i thinK fighTing is immaTure and chiLdisH.....everyOne haS 2 grOw uP and get OuTTA high schooL One day!! itS aLL he say shE saY he did shE did anD reaLLy itS nOt woRth thaT draMa!! theRe aRe tOo maNy yOung kiDs/teenaGers beinG shOt anD in gaNgs ....fOr whaT?!! nOthinG!! itS soOo saD bee*cuZ the chiLderen beinG kiLLed haVe famiLieS whO WiLL aLwayS haVe tO Live wiTh thaT!! theiR chiLd....theiR babY is gOne Over woRds....maYbeE suMthinG mOre bUt itS neveR worTh it!! PLus when yEr grOwn wiTh kiDs Of yEr Own yOo'LL LoOK baCc aT aLL the imMAtuRe chiLdisH thinGs yOo diD n saY "whOa i waS duMb....thaT was aLL puRe stUpidiTy!" TurN yEr Life arOund.....doNT gO thrU Life beinG a "hArD ASS" LivE fOr yEr LovEd Ones, yEr famiLy, frienDs, aNd maiNLy God thE maN hOo puT yOo heRe!! i wAs invoLved in sOo muCh draMa n aLL it diD was aLmost breaK me dOwn n i ALmosT LosT my soN tOo immaTure girLs! bUt ya knO i gOt Out Of it.....simpLy bY sayiNg im dOne!! my sOn wiLL bEe heRe 10 yeaRs dOwn thE rOad wheN theSe peopLe nOw im arOund proLLy wOnt eveN exisT tO me!! NobOdy caN ruiN thinGs fOr me Now cuZ i gOt it aLL 2gEthEr!! i dOnt thriVe Off Of draMa....i Live fOr my sOn anD my faMiLy!! they'Ve aLwayS stuCk by mE sOo nOw thaT i grEw uP n reaLizEd theY aRe my MAIN priOritY!! sOo juSs Live yEr Life tO the fuLLesT anD enjOy the peoPLe the haVe oR trY tO brinG yOo dOwn!! thEy aRe the Ones in regreT in the enD! PLus.....they kinDa LOok *reaLLy stuPid* FoR it aLL tOo!! i woOdnT CHAnge my Life fOr naDa.....im sUch a Lucky girL!! my mOm anD DAd arE my shiNing staRs!! my sistErs kimMi eM anD denA caN aLwayS maKe me smiLe!! deNa's my Other haLf n shEs paRt Of How i turnEd intO whO i aM tOday!! jOjO haS beeN theRe thRu EVERYTHING anD eveN thO we fiTe aLot he'S my faMiLy my frieNd anD i Luv hiM 2 deaTh!! sOo basiCaLLy thaTs whaT im abOut...iF yEr nOt grOwn n maTure.....hMm....yEr reaLLy nOt On my LeveL..!! if yOo caNt understaNd wheRe im cOming frOm witH EVERythinG.....we proLLy woOdnt geT aLong! im a niCe girL....wiTh a mOody aTTituDe!! bUt i teNd tO maKe tOns Of frieNds sOo its aLL gOod!! Ooh aNd if yEr my frienD n yOo beLive rumOrs Or whaT yOo maY heaR....dOnt try n pLay thaT wiTh me....i knO hOo my tru FRienDs aRe!! iF yOo gOt anyThing tO say Or asK juSs hiT me Up!!~*~i LoVe bEiNg iTaLiAn~*~

cuZ i Love yOo

MariA my gOrgeOus M*I*L*F MAriA me n yOo bEe gOin thrU sUm shYyt!! i Luv yOo n my isaBeLLa sOoO MucH!! gurL yEr gOnna maKe it thrU aLL thE buLLshyyT ThaT LifE puTs yOo thrU!! yEr strOng beaUtifuL n a gOod LoyaL fweNd!! i Luv yaH gurL!!KeNdrA aNn The seXiesT Lil piMpeTTe eveR! MiSs KendRa!! heY maMa!!! whaTs gOod?!! ne hoO girL im sOo haPPy we'Re frieNds!! yEr heLLA kiK aSs anD juSs sOo daMn gOrgeOus!! thaNx fOr beiNg my frieNd eveN thO peePs r geTTin maD aT yOo fOr iT!! yEr tHe reaL deFiniTiOn oF a frieNd!! we haVe sOo maNy drunKen niGhts aHeaD....i caN visiOn theM nOw haha!! bUt i'LL aLwayS bEe heRe 4 yaH if yOo eveR haVe any proBLems whaT sO eveR!! anD i'LL seriousLy beaT suM biTches uP k? sO if ne One is fucKin wiTh yOo Let me knO....heheh LuB yaH girL!!mY kyLa beaR.....The oNe n onLeE KyLa beaR!! girL i couLd NEVER 4geT yOo!! we gO baCc thrU theSe paSt yeaRs!! yOo'Ve aLwayS beeN suCh a gOod frieNd n i knO yOo aLwayS wiLL bEe!! i LovE yOo LikE a sisTer aNd i hoPe yOo knO thaT i wiLL aLwayS bee hEre fOr yOo nO maTTer whaT!! yUr sO gOrgeOus n i haTe tO eveR sEe yOo saD Over ne gUy cuZ i knO any gUy thaT haS yOo is LUCKY anD he shouLd bEe maKin yOo haPPy n smiLin nOt maKin yOo saD! gurL yEr wOrth sOoOo mucH n if yOo dOnt knO it.....reaLize cuZ yEr truLy aN angeL kyLabeaR!! i LovE yOo sOoOoO MUCh gurL n i aLwayS wiLL!! thaNx 4 aLwayS beinG thEre aNd yOo kNo i'LL aLwaYs bEe heRe 4 yOo!!ThE PerEz faMiLy...aLL 8 Of yOo Wow i Love yOo guys!! i'Ve knwon you aLL sensE i waS what 5?! anD veNny waS juSs abOut 2!! Carina sOphia SuzaNna TaRa GiLbert and Venny! woRds can even explain how much i miss yOo aLL!! and giNa and GiLbert my secOnd parents!! We all had some good times!! I miss yOo guys and LOve yOo sOoO Much yoO'LL alwayS bee my famiLy and i'LL aLways have a BIG spOt for yOo in my heart!eriCka.*.aNt.*.anD.*.idaLis.*.mY.*.faVoriTe.*.LiL.*.Fa miLy ericKa!! gurL thaNx 4 beinG thEre thrU everyThinG!! YeR A GreaT mOm aNd A greaT frieNd!! gurL yOo kNo if yOo ever nEed neThinG yOo caN aLwayS caLL! tHanX 4 maKin mE suCh a gOrgeOus neiCe!! aNt!! bOy staY Outta trouBLe!! ericKa n idA r yEr LifE n aLL 3 Of yOo r gOnna mAke it thru aLL thE buLLshyT n baD timEs! yEr suCh a *cooL kiD* LoL maKe suRe yOo kEep YeR HeaD up! idaLis mY baEutifuL neiCe!! mamAs i caNt beLive hOw faSt yEr grOwinG uP!! yEr sOoOo gOrgeOus!! im sOo haPPy n proUd tO haVe yOo aS my neiCe!! anD eVen thO mOmmy sayS yEr baD *.we aLL kNo whaT a swEet LiL angeL yOo ArE.*!! i wiLL aLwayS bEe hEre 4 yOo wheNeVer fOr whaTeVer!! anD teLL yEr MOm thaT shE nEeds tO kiK it everY oNce in awhiLe AnD Let yOo n mikeY pLay!! bUt i Luv yOo prinCeSs idA!jOjO LogaN n emiLy....mY bFFs fOreveR eM im staRting wiTh yOo cuZ yOo dOnt maKe fUn Of me!! gurL i Luv yOo n yOo knO i'LL aLwayS bEe hErE FoR yOo!! yEr suCh a gOod frieNd n im sOo gLaD i mEt yOo!! LogaN yEr my brOthEr yEr my heaRt n yEr my sOuL....i dunnO hOw my Life wOod bEe Or wheRe i'D bEe in LifE withOut yOo! u aLwayS giV me a shouLder 2 cry On n UncOnditiOnaL LovE!! yEr thE besT brOthEr EVER!! jOjO faG bOy wOw we gO baCc n yEr suCh a gOod frieNd!! i dunnO whaT i'D dO with oUt yOo!! i teLL yOo everyThing cUz i knO yOo aLwayS undErstanD!! i LuB yaH tOns n tOns!rOxaNne giSseLLe daRcy NiCk n LiL iVaN rOcKy....wOw we beeN thrU thicK thiN baD n gOod!! wuRd caNt eveN expLain!! yEr aLwayS gOnna bEe my BFF i LoVe yOo sOoOoOo muCh anD yOo knO i aLwayS gOt yEr baCk!! GisseLLe...LoL mE n yOo bEe haVin Fun!! gurL yEr suCh a gOod frieNd n iM sOoO GLaD we gEt tO speNd tOns Of time thiS summEr!! i Luv yEr crAzZi pUertO ricaN seLf!! daRcy Omg my KraZZi naTiVe!! i heaRt yOo OoOoh sOoO MUcH!! Me n yOo beeN thrU a LoT....Yoo kNo i'LL taKe yEr baCc anYdaY anyTimE!! i LoVe yOo sOoOo muCh! NicK yEr sOoO THe ShyyT!! i Luv KiKin it wiTh yOo n GisseLLe!! everYtimE is fUn!! iF anY feMaLes....Or maLes eveR giV yOo prObLemS juSs LeTmE knO n i caN haNdLe thaT LiTeweiGht shyT!! LiL ivaN bOo bOo yEr sOoO DAmn cUte!! weN yOo grOw uP iMa haV tO fiTe the gurLs Off yOo aNd trusT me i wiLL!! bUt anyTimE wiTh whaTevEr yOo gO thrU auNtiE moLLy is hEre!!!!GiGi my bEautiFuL preGgo GiGi mY darLinG!! i Luv yaH sOo MuCh gurL!! i hOpe yOo knO yOo caN cUm tO me wiTh whaTever n i'LL aLwayS bEe hEre tO heLp yOo keeP thaT heaD uP hiGh!! i Luv yOo n mY LiL yaDiEr sOoO MuCh!!aNy OthEr frieNds Or faMiLy i wOodNt beE mE wiThOut yOo guYs!! ThaNx 4 aLwayS suppOrtinG me n bEinG thErE!! i LoVe eaCh n EvErY Sing*O OnE oF YoO!

My Interests

i LovE my sOn aNd raisiNg hiM 2 bEe the besT everY daE anD i LovE my famiLia anD frieNds!

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MARIA N MY ISABELLA i knO i haV a shOut Out aLreaDy fOr yOo On thE oTher siDe bUt yOo gEt twO cuz i Luv yOo OoOh sOoO mucH!!! Maria giRL me aNd yOo bEe gOin thRu sUm shyyyT n i juSs wisH we weRe cLosEr 2 gO thrU it tOgethEr bUt shyT yOo aLreaDy knO im hEre 2 staY strOng fOr yOo n thE saMe yOo dO fOr me!! hOw couLd i eveR fOrgeT yOo....maRia auG. 11 ....me Aug.12.....isaBeLLa sePt.17.....mikEy sepT.18!! sEe gOd knEw we'd bE frienDS haha!! girL reaLLy thO i Love yaH sOo MUch!! yEr extremLy gOrgeOus n a gOod frienD wiTh a greaT heaRt!!! anD LoOk aT my LiL mAma isaBeLLa grOwin uP sOoO faSt!! shEs BEAUTIFUL juSs LikE huR maMa!! n LoOk yOo maDe it aLL by yaH seLf girL n isaBeLLaS gOnNA bEe strOng n indEpendaNt tOo wheN shEs OLd enOugh tO sEe thE thinGs in Life yOo'Ve dOne thaT meaN the mOst ...especiaLLy juSs knOwin thaT yEr *MOMMY* !! bUt i LOve yOo twO tO deaTh n yOo knO im aLwayS hErE 4 yOo thrU aLL yEr struGgLes gOod anD baD timEs!!


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i RuN shyyT!!

he's always cheating denies his coochie eating has a different hoe every day shit on his dick that wont go away he talks so much shit but keeps coming back he's so pussy whipped its a known fact the d...
Posted by ThaS juSs hOw it iS on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 09:05:00 PST