Singer, Songwriter, Rapper...musik has always been a part of my life for as long as i uncles used to have a band that plays at small parties in the dad loves to sing his favorite tunes each and every day, ever since i was a kid & even sang at a small OG party, as's only appropriate that i get into musik...I rap because spoken words along with beats create a powerful reflection about life itself...but my true passion, lies in singin, where i can truly entertain a crowd...So look 4 goods things to come on this page, once I've record some of my stuff & post it up in here...
Name: T*BO LEE
Birthdate: November the 6th NineteenHundredEightyOne
Birthplace: Toledo, Ohio
Current Location: The Asylum, Michigan
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: natural black now, was bleached a few yerrs ago
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 215 Ibs. of twisted steel & thug appeal
Piercings: not anymore, but left ear lobe was pierced
Tatoos: not yet...will be gettin some soon
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: searchin 4 Ms. Right or Ms. Just 4 The Night...
Overused Phraze: dont have any...
Food: Asian, Mexican, American, Italian, etc.
Candy: dont eat much anymore
Number: 555 - UDONTQUALIFY
Color: blue
Animal: fish
Drink: water, vitamin water, gatorade, ice tea, green tea, soy bean milk, etc.
Alcohol Drink: bud light, budweiser, corona, etc...
Bagel: sometymes only in the mornin, i like the kinds with raisins...
Letter: Capital T
Body Part on Opposite sex: legs...can't resist a pair of sexy and a little muscular on a lady...
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: none. I dont drink pop anymore...
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK...rollin wit the King, ya know...
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice kombucha tea...
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate'...
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate...dont drink coffee anymore...
Kiss or Hug: depends...
Dog or Cat: dont know
Rap or Punk: both...
Summer or Winter: summer, screw winter...
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: depends on the mood...
Love or Money: depends...
Bedtime: varies
Most Missed Memory: dont know, dont remember...
Best phyiscal feature: forearms
First Thought Waking Up: do i have to get up...
Goal for this year: get through the year & set up 4 next...
Best Friends: alot of flends...
Weakness: the cuties...
Fears: failure...
Heritage: Hmong/(Miao*)..maybe mixed in with a little Chinese
Longest relationship: almost 2 years...
Ever Drank: of course
Ever Smoked: of course
Pot: ummm....i did it once, but i didnt inhale...=p
Ever been Drunk: course
Ever been beaten up: hexx naw
Ever beaten someone up: not yet
Ever Shoplifted: unfortunately, yes, when i was young & stupid...
Ever Skinny Dipped: not yet
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: of course, but where??...
Been Dumped Lately: si`
Favorite Eye Color: no preference
Favorite Hair Color: no preference
Short or Long: no preference
Height: under 5'7" i guess...cant be taller than me...gotta be a shawty
Style: feelin minez
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute both
Drugs and Alcohol: maybe a little alcohol, but no drugs
Muscular or Really Skinny: a little meat on her will do fine, not too skinny...
Number of Regrets in the Past: alot...
What country do you want to Visit: Asia...I'll probably be a superstar over there...
How do you want to Die: in my sleep at the age of 199...
Been to the Mall Lately: nope...
Do you like Thunderstorms: sleeps through them...
Get along with your Parents: yeap
Health Freak: yeap
Do you think your Attractive: yeap
Believe in Yourself: yeap
Want to go to College: been there done that
Do you Smoke: used to in high school, but quit
Do you Drink: its a tradition in my culture...
Shower Daily: yeap
Been in Love: yeap
Do you Sing: hexx yeah, what kind of question is this??!!
Want to get Married: yeap, perrty soon...
Do you want Children: yeap...want a little me runnin around, if i dont have one out there already...
Have your future kids names planned out: yeap...son = Shaun, Thibault...daughter = Shauna, Jocelyn, or Ikwon
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 40 years...yes...The 40 Year Old Virgin...sike...already
Hate anyone: nope, no beef unless they bring it first...
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Rod Steel
What's Your Porn Star Name?..