WEll.. Wad Can i SaY abouT mySelf.. A emotionAl GaL..weLl..i'm chaTTY buT i Can B quiET aT timEs..hmm.. i'm temperamentAl..somEonE hu is haRd to unDErstaND..I luV to sinG & danCe.. not To forGET.. i luV To slp too..hmm...i Can B quiTe laZY anD yeT haRDworkinG at timEs..somEtimEs, i finD myselF rathER weirD..KeKE*ThaT's all i Can SaY abouT myselF for thE time BeinG..
My Interests
sinGinG.. danCinG.. shoppinG.. chaTTin..clubbinG.. plAy pooL..