DJs, Turntablists, Producers, MCs, Rappers, B-Boys, Graff Writers, Promoters, Street Teams, Movers, Shakers, Rockers, Punkers, Music Lovers, Music Haters, Record Lovers, Vinyl Lovers, Wax Lovers, Record Collectors, Music Collectors, Record Buyers, Record Sellers, Music Buyers, Ladies, Fellas, Aliens, Honeys, Dimes, Betties, Bitches, Hos, Porn Stars, Strippers, Money Getters, Money Holders, Money Folders, Investors, X-Gamers, Video Gamers, Street Gamers, Dice Gamers, Hustlers, Larry Flint, Porn Directors, Porn Star Hiring People, People from the East Coast, People from the West Coast, People from the South Coast, People from the Mid-West, People from the Heartland, People from the Border States, ...and Alaskans/Hawaiians, All Americans, North Americans, Latin Americans, South Americans, Europeans, Asians, Africans, Austrailians, Arctic/Antarticans... Ahhhh F**K It!! The list is endless!!!
wow... are we really expected to answer this???