Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Thinking up with questions. Singing. Writing lyrics/poetry. Art. Sushi. Fashion. Making you smile. Spirituality. Graphic Novels. Movies. Symbol Manipulation. Booking rock shows. Jogging. Push-ups. Sit-ups. Tea. Travelling. Dreams.
Suprise me!
I Love Music!
Sofia Coppola. Jim Jarmusch. Wes Anderson. Tim Burton. Marlon Brando. Johnny Depp.
Batman: The Animated Series. Sealab 2021. Futurama. X-Files. Aeon Flux. Six Feet Under. The Daily Show.
Neil Gaiman. Jeffery Eugenides. Alan Moore. Grant Morrison. Herman Hesse. Aldous Huxley. Kurt Vonnegut.
Raphael, the painter. Rimbaud, the poet. Rumi, the mystic. Mom and dad. Grandparents. Aunts and Uncles.