I LOVE music, any and almost every kind of music. I love to sing and dance. I play DDR, and gameworks in one of my favorite places to hang out. I am a very, very, very big bookworm, so reading is one of my loves in life. I like to write, but only when the mood strikes me. I am a sports nut! I love hockey, basketball, football, and soccer. I used to play soccer all the time. So, watching a game and tossing back a beer with the guys is not a problem with me.... :) I'm a night owl, so most of the weird and crazy things I like to do are at night. Coffee shops and local 24 hour resturants are my playgrounds! :) I LOVE automotives. HEHE Car nut also! Theres almost nothing I dont like to do, or at least nothing I dont want to do. I'm all for the adventure wether its in a book, or actually doing it. (Skydiving, bungee jumping, parasailing... etc.)
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I'd like to meet a guy who is a big hopeless romantic like myself. Looks dont matter, but there does have to be that inital attraction for any relationship to work out. Someone who can make me laugh, who likes to dance and goof off, but who also likes a nice night in. The guys I want to meet and date must also not be jealous of my friends and know the importance of a girls night out. :)Absolutly no mutton chops!
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.
Blind Folds
Everything!!!! I'm more of a rocker/heavy metal groupie, but to classify myself isnt fair.ac/dc, NIN, Nickelback, pearl jam, nirvana, Blink 182, black sabbath, ozzy, HIM, bloodhoundgang, coal chamber, aerosmith, disturbed, korn, finger 11, sugarcult, metallica, creed, marilyn manson, BNL, bright eyes, crossfade, greenday, The killers, matchbox 20, jamiroquai, michell branch, no doubt, pink, releint K, simple plan, third eye blind, system of a down, 3 doors down, the cars, vertical horizon, weezer, malise mizer, orgy, nelly, ataris, black heart procession, black rebel motorcyle club, cake, black keys, jimmey eat world, led zeppelin, bryan adams, dido, seether, jewel, kylie, mariah carey, sarah M, shakira, savage garden, shawn colvin, the gorillas, usher, fat joe, brian setzer orchestra, staci orrico, alan jackson, tim magraw, faith hill, blu cantrell, city high, eminem, boys 2 men, alica keys, aalyiah, janet jackson, jennifer lopez, kci and jojo, missy elliot, 112, blur, bowling for soup, the greatfull dead.....The list could go on forever.
OH! OH! OH! I'm a HUGE movie buff! I'm partial to comedies and horrors. My favorites, or some of them so far have to be Interveiw with the vampire, The X-files movie, Queen of the Damned, Life is Beautifull, Run Lola Run, Bruce Almighty, Saw2, The corpses bride, the night before christmas, Blade 1,2,and 3,Practical Magic, The craft, The ringer, Grandmas boy, waiting, V for Vendetta, Clerks or anything by Kevin Smith, Boondock saints, and all of those cheap horror movies. Those are the only ones that actually scare me alittle. The big ones, arent scary when they are meant to be!
Cartoons!!! HEHEHE I like all kinds of shows. Dharma and Greg, Will and Grace, King of Queens, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, Yes Dear, MASH.... lol I watch all kinds of late night stuff.
Anything Nora Roberts, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, J.K Rowling, Steven King, ...... I love to read. Put it in front of me and I will read it. Reading takes me away, I cant get enough.
Take the quiz:
What vampire would you be?
Vampire of Seduction
Who say's killing cant be fun? As lovly as you are, you must be the Love god/ess of Vampires everywere. The opposite as well as the same sex are oeverwhelmed by you. You play with their senses before you puncture to the death.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!