Starting a business isn't easy, but freedom and money are there if you want it bad enough... Just be prepared to work your ass off. It pays off in the end...
Starting a business isn't easy, but freedom and money are there if you want it bad enough... Just be prepared to work your ass off. It pays off in the end...
Music, Movies, Making money, Marrying Australian Chicks, Monkeys, Marsupials, The occasional acid flashback, Surfing the waves of Santa Barbara, Watching old movies while listening to "Hotel California" to see if they sync up in any significant way, and so far, no - nothing has...
Easy: Sinbad.
...Not the comedian, though he's hilarious. The sailor.
I thought about listing all of my favorites here, but I got lazy and figured instead I would list the last ten CD's I have bought and enjoyed:
Philadelphonic - G Love and Special Sauce
Greatest Hits - The Bangles
'Garden State' Soundtrack - Various Artists
The Road Home - Heart
Republic - A New Order
The Richest Man in Babylon - Thievery Corporation
Dummy - Portishead
Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys
A Tribute to Sublime - Various Artists
Penthouse - Luna
Rather than list every movie I have ever seen, I'll just do my top ten:
If it wasn't for HBO, I wouldn't watch TVFamily Guy
The Simpsons (not the new ones)
South Park
The Office (both the British and American versions)
The Daily Show
Da Ali G Show
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams
Old Saved By the Bell Episodes
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The last 5 good books I read are:
The Da Vinci code, Dan Brown
A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson
The eBay Millionaire, Amy Joyner
What Should I Do With My Life, Po Bronson
America: The Book John Stewart