Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] profile picture

Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

No longer a Teen ^_^ filmed April 19 - May 25 2008

My name is Jefferson aka Jayel from Uptown Washington DC. I'm very athletic so I enjoy all kinds of sports. I goto school at PGCC and work as a full time kung-fu instructor. My main goal in life right now is to finish school and continue training myself to be a well rounded individual. I say it that way because there are so many things I want to accomplish in life. Some of those things include producing films, acting, doing stunt work, and one day becoming a legend in martial arts tricking history. Something most people don't know about me is that I'm whats commonly known as a fortune baby(someone born into the practice of Buddhism). I can come across as a very sensitive guy but don't let that be mistaken for weakness. I've been through a lot(who hasn't) even though it's hard to tell by just hanging out with me. At this point in my life I'm done with the games that people play. My experience has made into a pretty "straight to the point" kind of guy... I love to talk so let that be a warning if hate people who talk to much. Just let me know if I am taking up the conversation and I'll chill out. OK, basics...The Basics
    I played golf from 2-15 years old. I played basketball for my rec center between 13 and 15 I've been break dancing since 12 (I should be better lol) I've been a kung-fu student since 1995 I played the violin for 4 years when I was younger I've had my heart seriously broken twice I transfered from school to school until 7th grade when i began homeschooling. I Love city life I went to a home-school center for 11th and 12th grade I've been into martial arts tricking since January 2005 I've played the conga's in the SGI(Soka Gakki International) band for about 2 years I worked for Rita's Ice one summer I've been in so many martial arts demo's and shows that I've long ago lost count I've been on TV at least 4 times for martial arts including this past thanksgiving on channel Fox 5 I write poetry I used to design roller coasters when I had the time I've dated mostly athletic or very fit women I play chess I compete in NASKA tournaments sometimes I believe that anything is possible and the word "can't" does not exist in my vocabulary
Thats all for now... If you want to know more about me just send a message ^_^

coming soon...

Slow motion clips brought to you by Eric B of www.tricksession.com

Slow motion Double corkSlow motion combo during warm up

My Interests

Martial arts tricking, Making movies, shopping, talking on the phone, hangin' out wit friends, eating out, theme parks, roller coasters, chillin at the park, making things, aim with friends, trying to cook lol, and ummmm dressing nice ^_^

I'd like to meet:

People who believe in fighting for peace! ^_^


Just about everything lol


I like action comedy's the most. Or just comedy's lol


I rarely watch TV


I have a lot of em...


My Grandpa, Jefferson Lewis, Sr. ^_^

My Blog

Oh wow

Ok, when I was younger I used to tell some of my female friends erotic stories before going to sleep. They would always by about a guy named "mike" and the sexual andvetures he takes part in. Consider...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:35:00 PST


Everyday... I train...Everyday... I work on me...Everyday... I'm sore...Everyday... I pray...Everyday... I dance...Everyday... I smile...Everyday... I miss someone...Everyday... I forget something...E...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 08:36:00 PST

Me vs Women

Me vs. Women I don't know where I'm going with this because I'm letting this word flow out onto the page from my heart. I love the opposite sex ^_^ I love women! I really do and i don't really know wh...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:52:00 PST

Ten Awesome Reasons to date a Black Belt

1. We have great endurance 2. We believe repetition is the mother of all skills3. We work on becoming the best at everything we do4. We practice every day for the best result5. Breaks don't happen dur...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:59:00 PST

Time to wirte again...

It's time to write again... Yet this time I wont be giving the satusfaction to the ones around me that wanna know.... The ones that wanna know if somethings wrong... The ones that wanna know how happy...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:55:00 PST

The Mind

Ya know& Ya really can't tell how messed up your thoughts are until your alone with them& When you're around friends your thoughts are clouded& Your mind goes into learning mode and you take in whatev...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:03:00 PST

continued poem

I kick and twist and filp and shit and driven by bitches and sluts I pick.I rap and flow and spit and grow and driven by life and struggles I know.I give and send and mind and mend and driven by peopl...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:28:00 PST

V-day=happy wishes (none have been answered so far)

Well in about 2 minutes it will be V day once again and hopefully things will go better then the years before. Still haven't recived a 1 card yet. Yea... Never got one. EVER! lol but it's all good. If...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:01:00 PST

Tricking solo

It's been a long time since I had a session all by myself. I used to do that all the time. Today will be the first solo trick session since the wheel was invented lol. Hopefully I'll bust out som...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:02:00 PST

Poetry by Jayel

I kick and twist and filp and shit and driven by bitches and sluts I pick. I rap and flow and spit and grow and driven by life and struggles I know. I give and send and mind and mend and driven by pe...
Posted by Jayel's [*/official myspace page\*] on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 01:51:00 PST