kElLiEz profile picture


liViNg iN mY imAgi*nAtioN..

About Me

alrite. not any typical gal u can easily spot. complicated. sophisticated. wild. playful. frisky. capricious. garrulous. frivolous. impatient. fastidious. demanding. perplex. impudent. credulous. delirious. imperious. haughty. exuberant. jolly. judicious. oblivious. gregarious. n da list goes on . . . i relish in shopping sprees, shopping n more of that. pigging out is another delightful thing to do. i lurve eating. from chocolates to mushrooms to waffles to al da yummiess. i juz cant live without al these heavenly food. sleeping is wad i deemed another life's greatest enjoyment. im actually a sleeping beauty in disguise, just that im not beautiful enough. lol. cant seem to get enough of it. i lurve travelling in my slumberland n touring in my lala land. woohoo!~ lurve my cosy lil pinky nest to bits man. fun n excitement re factors my life cant miss out. i can go to da extreme when im playing, i know absolutely no limits when i go bonkers. so, this is a precaution. hahas. i duno y but i somehow do believe in horoscopes, starsign dese kinda things. im a sagittarian, aries n aquarius make my good company for wad i know. lol. tink these do make up some pieces of mi, as for da other parts.. you'll have to find out some way. haahahhas. *(=

My Interests

ROXY is definitely in my list of lust. addidas esp wif da no. 3. pink thou its lyk gettin more n more ... louis vuitton stuffs. topshop denims. horoscopes. starsigns. princesses. eyelashes. beautiful noses. kikinlala. n da list goes on n on n never-ending . . .

I'd like to meet:

hmmm, a person with da name Leon who used to be in my Yamaha Electone class. n another deemed important person Zulkefly previously from Blangah Rise Primary. as for da rest, add mi if u wan n catch mi if u can. lol. cheers*


i have made it a part of my life. music, its juz da universal thing that link all hearts as one. i'm lurving it.


dUn rEaLi nOe.. lAtEst wAn i'vE wAtchEd iS wiShiNg stAirz... kiNda nicE lAhz.. okiEx bAh..!! *hAhäAz!~


EeRr.. korEan shOwz lOrhz.. hOng dOu nUu zi liAn n kAi lAng sHaO nUu chEng gOng ji.. cUrReNtli mOst lOvEd wAnz.. *vEri tOuchiNg*


*aAawWwwWw* diS wAn.. oUtTa pOiNtz..!!!


wAd dO yA mEaN bY dAtz.. mY hErO..? dUn tiNk mi hAf wAn iN mY heArt nOw... pErhApz sUmtuMz lAtEr i migHt tiNk oF oNe.. *hEhëEx!~

My Blog

..\\..01 fEbrUaRy 2004..//..

2nd month liao lor.. soOo long never write here liao wor.. got miss mi..? guess hardli bah.. yupz.. lifez' so sux.. but itz' simply so enjoyable wif da ppl arnd mi.. esp my dearest jolean... yuppiex.....
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

skU rEopEn..

*eeEekKkzz* da dae reach liaoz.. sku finali reopen liaoz.. was soOoo suckz lyk hell lorhz..!! woke up at 5.45am 2dae.. mz be tinkin' mi crazi ritez..?? actualli not realli lahz.. 4 da sake of my sausa...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

...a whOlE nEw wOrld...

2004 liaoz.. yEaH!~* my wish fer da year.. letz' see... (1) ta stay 2gether with my dear till long.. (2) ta be able to do well fer my 'o' level.. (3) dear will studi hard n do well fer 'n' level...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

!!..wAd dA hEcK..??

back here typin' crappiez again.. ytd.. 28/12 wadz' happened..?? 4gotten liao lahz... tink is went out wif my pinky siao gang arghz.. yupz.. correct..!! went beach road den bugis wif them arghz.. boug...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


2dae.. nuthinz reali muchiez happened.. kana woke up by mummy at near 1pm lahz.. so sianz ½ arghx..!! brought mi out from my lala land.. **eEErrrrR** nvm.. den went 2 bath n all datz.. den went outta...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

>2003< mErRiEst & piNkiEst kriStmAs >2003<

yea.. back here typin' my journal.. *hEhëEx!~ 2dae 26/12 liaoz.. last tum mi updated was 23/12.. so err.. letz' see... 24/12... !!..CHRISTMAS EVE..!! a fun dae.. an enjoyable dae... yupz.. spent dis y...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


2dae.. nuthinz much happened lor.. woke up at 1pm bah... den eerr.. bath n eat da nasi lemak my mummy bought wan lorhz..!! den chiong out liaoz.. met michelle at tiong at 2.30pm but reach there kinda ...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


sorri sorri okiez.. so long never update liaoz lehz.. so dis tum will write more.. yupz.. 2dae 22/12 liaoz.. went back to cantonment lorhz.. onli report n clear da bail onli.. and itz' lyk my mummy wa...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


2dae needa went back 2 sku wadz.. mi met melon 4 my mac breakfast at 9am lorhz..!! ate my hotcakez le.. FINALLI!! but so bad mi cannot finish u noe...!! err.. den we took cab 2 sku lorhz... we were ob...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST mama house..

yoz.. 2dae nuthin' much realli happened lahz.. woke up at boutz 1pm lorh...!! damn song u noe.. rainin' outside.. made mi dun feel lyk leavin' my darlin' bed.. haiz..!! but muz prove 2 my cindy dearie...
Posted by kElLiEz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST