history, martial arts, native american, music, firearms, weapons in general, philosophy, american indian movement, non christian religions, caves, hiking, star wars, transgender studies, cultures and survivalist studies CLICK HERE TO GET A NEW CONTACT TABLE + THOUSANDS OF OTHER GRAPHICS
open minded people ones who are not afraid of who they are and what they are people who like to think and are not wrapped up in the ignorance of the society at large. mainly people who can think for themselves and are not threatened by people who can do the same for themselves. if you want to be close minded or a judge of people then go on cause you wont like my reaction to you at all :)
old country music, death metal music, traditional native american music, irish and celtic music, parody music like weird al, folk music and bluegrass music, japanese music
too many to list so i will be general about it i like native american movies i like anything that has a strong philosophical nature to it. love documentaries and biography type shows and i like things about people who have pride and dont give in for anything regardless of what they have to endure to be who they are or do what they feel they need to do
i dont really care for telelvision that much
refer to what i said about movies and you will get the idea of what i like in books and such again too many to name but i can at least name you a series of books thats good called " the people series " micheal gear and kathleen oneal gear write them fiction about the prehistory of the united states all based on real life evidence found at dig sites and then put with made up characters and stories very well done
Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull , Fools Crow, Black Elk well you get the picture you might sum it up with this statement " my heroes have always killed cowboys"