Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comI am a huge sports fan and love to run or bike or swim or play any sport wether its baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, soccer... anything. However my favorite thing in life is music i love to listen to music all the time. Oh yeah cant forget about every Mexicans fav past time getting drunk yeaaaaah.
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The Game, Jhonny Depp, Vida Guerra, Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, Wynona Ryder, Ladanian Tomlinson, Kelly Clarkson, Lance Armstrong, Jay-Z, Chamillionaire, Kevin Federline AKA K-Fed, The guy who invented the T.V, Kim Jong Il, Jessica Alba, Roger Federer, T.I, Tim Mcgraw, Donald Trump, Vicente Fox, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Pitt, Dane Cook, David Hasselhoff, Magic Jhonson, Tucker Max, Mayra Veronica, Luis Miguel, Lil Wayne, The Laker Girls, George Lopez, Anna Faris, Maria Sharapova, Chuck Norris and Kobe Bryant....
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I listen to it all really if you see my collection I own everything from Kanye West to Tim Mcgraw to Slipknot to Kelly Clarkson, everything... width="425" height="350" ....
Blow, Training Day, Seven, Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Pirates of the carribean, City of God, Man on fire, Traffic, Crash, Mr. and Mrs Smith, Dumb and Dumber, Waiting..., Wedding crashers, Old School, Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman, Running Scared... width="425" height="350" ....
I Love Nip/Tuck, Prison Break, Lost, The Shield, The Wire, Family Guy, Entourage, and SportCenterI am worth $1,953,720 on HumanForSale.com
I have only read 2 books since i graduated High school Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci CodeWatch This it is too funny .. width="425" height="350" ....
Lance Armstrong, Ladanian Tomlinson, Kobe Bryant, David Beckham, SMSgt Beauseleil, Jose Cuervo and Chuck Norris