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I can give you a deal on that shirt, how about $10

About Me

I make piles of dirty clothes in my window. I write nasty letters and sometimes post them in my window as well. I like young girls who work for free and who work hard. Im 86'd from lots of bars cause Im a coke lovin'---booze swigglin' loudmouth. BUT IM AN ARTIST. Everything is five dollars....I can do you deal. Im rediculous.MOST DAYS, when the door opens at Blue Moon Clothing, buy, sell and trade, it's an endless parade of lonely, desperate men walking in with something to sell and a story to tell. “Hey bro, wanna buy my boots my coat c'mon bro help me out just want a few bucks. Mom's in jail, kid's in jail, dad's in jail, just got out of jail, shouldÂ’a never left jail. No one's getting out of Labor Ready. Just need a few bucks, just want to get on a needle, a bottle, a bus, a boat. Help me out, bro.I grew up Catholic and I have memories of the red faced Irish priest of my New York youth who had a face like a potato soaked in whisky with a faith that could be described as I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who has a boss, the pope who knows God. And that was great before we could read our bibles and needed these child molesters to tell us. And that's what pissed me off, they didn't want to molest me.

My Interests

Vintage clothes which are worn, torn or badly stained. I like being sleezy and dirty. Wearing dirty smirks and making you uncomfortable. I often read poems to people out load. I go to spoken word and slam groups.

I'd like to meet:

Young girls. More wives that I can potentially beat. Other bums who somehow got jobs. People who write poems. Young girls who write poems.


I like cat stevens and my spoken word put to music. I like slow jams.


My Chap Books. Available at jimmyhenry.com


'Honey, you're a sixteen year old, cheerleader honors student, a runner up last year for miss zit-free Caucasian, and you expect me to believe you love a man who's forty four years old, a schizophrenic, a filthy parolee with a terminal diahorea condition? I can't allow you this.'