Kevin profile picture


As my friend Beaker used to say, Meep meep meepmeep MEEP!

About Me

Okay so... there just something about trying to say something nice about myself that seems so... i don't know... VAIN? So I've enlisted the help of my friends to say something about me.......Jen-Jen: KEV! My little ghetto friend. You're always there to make me laugh when I need someone. You're such a nut. Everytime I see you, you're always eating your Peanut Butter Cups. Brandon misses his uncle Kev. Out of everyone who has moved away from me, youre the one I miss most. Remember that trip to Disneyland you bought me for my graduation? We had such a bast, getting into all that trouble!......Bug-a-Boo (aka Billie): Kevvy! My Yellow partner. I hate you for moving away. Who else can I hang around with at the club making fun of people while Mikey and the gang get drunk. You're always there with a smile, saying something random. You're the only one I know who actually makes their dreams come true where the rest of us just wonder what could have been? I mean who else, can speak 5 languages, figure skate, surf, row a boat, play the violin, be ghetto and professional at the same time and still make time to make sure life keeps getting better? I hate you. Oh! By the way, did I mention I hate you.......Double D (aka Carrie): Wassup wassup? Dude, why did you have to leave like that you punk? Who else is going to play popcorn basketball with my boobs at the bar? Who else is going to give me those massages? Thanks for talking me into getting back to school. When life was a bitch for me you helped me out so much. I'll never forget you coming to my Human Sexuality class to give a speech on being a fag, no no what do you call it? Penis proned? You're a geek, but I love you......Mikey: My big bro! I cant belive your gone. I miss all the times you took me to those late dinners so I could cry on your shoulder and just vent. Thanks for helping me come out when no one else was there for me. Even though you always make fun of my eyebrows, I still love you lots. Aww my big bro. You're so much fun, especially when you're drunk, Mr. Perm-a-Grin. Everyone at Golden 1 misses you and your ghetto sense of humor. YAY. My Big bro!....more to come!

My Interests

Your mom.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to make some friends kind of like the ones I left in Sacramento (Go Kings!!!). Being in SD, this should prove interesting. I thought I wanted to surround myself with beautiful people. Then I found out, that if I surround myself with ugly people, by comparison, I actually become attractive. ...In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King! (thanks Jeff) As far as a relationship is concerned? Someone who will make me laugh. Someone with beautiful eyes and a great smile. Someone who will dance with me, even after the music stops playing. Sorry ladies, but you wouldn't like me anyways. I'm half asian (Small Penis)


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The 4400. Heroes. Lost. The West Wing. Drawn Together. The Daily Show. M.A.S.K. Bionic Six. The Family Guy. (more to come...)


The Prince. Harry Potter Series. The Looking Glass Wars. The Sociological Imagination. The DaVinci Code.


He's more than a bird. More than a plane. More than some pretty face, beside a train. ...actually, I count my closest friends and family as my heros. I look to them to for inspiration, ideas, the whole good, bad and butt ugly.

My Blog

Real Friends and Real Jerks

Last night I had dinner with an old roomate/friend/big brother.  We kind of had a falling out when we separated ways.  Come to find out the falling out was just something the doctor ordered ...
Posted by Kevin on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:54:00 PST

What's an HM?

I have been asked by several people what I will be doing in the Navy.  Technically my Rating (job) is called HM (Hospital Corpsman).  When I tell what we do, they tend to respond with, "OH!&...
Posted by Kevin on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 07:51:00 PST

Not the band. ...You're just a fucking tool.

Okay.  So I turn on the radio and listen to hear the Ed Schultz show.  Today's guest was Hiliary Clinton.  I'm not sure if I will vote for her.  I still have lots of research to do...
Posted by Kevin on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:59:00 PST

Write me!

My friends Okay, I've only received a few replies for my request for contact information.  (BTW, thank you for those that did) Here's the deal:  I'm leaving for bootcamp soon.  Meaning...
Posted by Kevin on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:47:00 PST

9 Weeks Notice

Whew, it's getting close to me leaving.  I've given my apartment complex my 30-day notice.  I only have 9 weeks of work left (Thankfreakinggoodness).  Time to start packing up my belong...
Posted by Kevin on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:36:00 PST

It's official!

I got the job I wanted.  So looks like its time to start planning my going away party!  WOOHOO!  DRINKS  ALL ROUND!  ...but none for me.   GOOOOOOO  ME!...
Posted by Kevin on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 06:49:00 PST

Goodbye San Diego???

Looks like I may be leaving the place I have been calling home for the past two and a half years.  I'm excited.  I'm sad.  I'll miss it here.  This will be the furthest I'll have l...
Posted by Kevin on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 07:50:00 PST

Somethings missing...

There's been many lessons in my life that I have learned.  Most of them I've learned in a pretty weird way.  This blog is not about that.  This blog is meant for those of you who helped...
Posted by Kevin on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 04:03:00 PST


Thats all I have to say about that!
Posted by Kevin on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:46:00 PST

Birthday wish

So it was my birthday yetsterday.  To all those who wished me a Happy Birthday, Thanks!  To all those who got me something, thanks!  I am a little disappointed though.  I thought I...
Posted by Kevin on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 05:32:00 PST