I'm a 19 year old introverted girl called Emma (AKA EmmaCRB) who is always on the computer. I love YouTube stuff, art/DeviantART, listening to music, being in my own little world lol, general browsing on the internet...I like having MSN up and I'm also a member on some forums. I create art/draw and work on dubs/videos. I work harder than people think. I have my own site: www.freewebs.com/emmacrblovesedward
I'm almost constantly signed in on MSN, but I don't talk too much whilst I'm signed in coz I'm often busy doing other things (there's a lot of stuff to keep up with on the internet) whilst I'm talking (I like multi-tasking lol) so it's nothing personal to you if I'm not talking very much.
I accept every friend request I get on MySpace but I don't always reply to messages & comments.
Myspace Contact TablesMySpace tweaks and layouts at MusicTweak.