Mervin J. Minky profile picture

Mervin J. Minky

I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

HI iam MeRviN :D IAm nEw TO mYsPaCe eVen thOUgh i usecomputer a lOTand sPeNd a lOt of tIMe on the iNterNet loookiNG at picTARes. i esPecially likE online pAnty catalOggs.i douBT i woOd eveN hAVe siGNed up But you nEEd to Be A member tO maKe friEnds and sEE tHeir priVate proFile FOtos :( and there seEMs to be a lot of giRlS who are also mEmBeRs whose PIctAreS i wouID liKEe to stARe at More.
Sundays 10pm from 4th May on MTV ONE
Be a friEnd of Furtv!!!
Find me at Bebo and Facebook!
ChEck out my fRiEEd LapEEo
aka DJ PEENniE:
And my best buddy Fat Ed!

cHecK oUt my viDeOs!
FUR TV 'Mervin & Ed Fighting'
Chanelle Sex Tape - FULL LENGHT Clip!!
FUR TV 'Lapeno Sex Tape'
FUR TV 'Cribs'
FUR TV 'Ed's Guide To Metal'

My Interests

CoOking, TV and paNtY cAtAloGueS. I alSo kolLikT mY oWn pIsS in bOtTLes.

I'd like to meet:

FEmale gIrls


The PUsSycAt DOlLs, DeStiNy’s Child, CHRisTinA AGuiLeRa, HIlArY DUfF MaNdY MoOrE, GIrLs ALoUd, SUgAbAbEsAlL tHe clAZsIcs lIkE:
Job NONe aT tHe mOmEnT bUt I’Ve dOnE lOts Of jObS bEfOrE - I’ve d0nE PIzZa DElIvEriNg

, ShElF StaCkIng, BUrGeer COokIng

and SanITarY CleaNIng aNd I muSt hAvE d0ne sUcH a g00d jobs cOs aT tHe eNd 0f tHe dAy tHEy usuUlLy sAy d0N’t b0thEr c0mInG bAck t0m0rr0w.I aM aLs0 a rEguLaR sPeRm d0n0r, aLthOugh I w0rk fr0m h0me.


I lIkE aCtI0N fIlMs ThaT k0NCeNTRAiTe 0N the acti0N aNd d0N’t have t00 much st0Ry. I’m thiNkiNg 0f such classics as H0RNy DeNtists, AsiaN B00m B00m GiRls, HaiR Pie H0gs, LesbiaN CheeRleadeRs 2 aNd the Butt C0ps seRies (1 t0 15). I als0 like High Sch00l Musical.


DisC0veRy ChAnnel And 0theR nAtuRe d0CumentRys (I like the 0nes wheRe the m0nkeys Ride AR0und 0n eACh 0theRs bACk, b0unCing up And d0wn. I wAtCh th0se bits AgAin And AgAin.))


I likE b00ks with big pictarEs, EspEcially MEdical 0nEs. I likE thE huMan by0l0gy sEcti0ns. I als0 likE cl0thing catal0guEs likE “UltiMatE Supp0rt H0siEry”.

But my fAv0uRitE is c0l0uRful mAgAzinEs thAt thE nEwsAgEnt hElps mE t0 gEt d0wn fR0m thE high shElf. ThERE’s l0ts 0f pictAREs in thEm 0f lAdiEs All s0Rts 0f diffEREnt wAys up And lAdiEs with mEn And with h0RsEs And with d0gs And I’vE EvEn g0t 0nE with A cAmEl in it.


TilA TEquilA (shE’s my fRiEnd), PARis Hilt0n, JEnnA JAmEs0n, AsiA CARRERA, TERA PAtRick, BRiAnA BAnks, StAcy VAlEntinE, Jill KElly, SilviA SAint , BRitnEy SpEARs.

My Blog

tEll me aBout YOU!!!

hiYaI hAve raTher a lot of FrIends - nEarly 2000! i lUv yoUr coMmEnts & mEsSages, bUt hAvEn't hAd loAds of TimE to rEad yOur pRofiLes - I get diStRacTed by pHoTos!So, lEave bLog COmMents bElow wiT...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:47:00 PST

wAt’s yOur fAvouRite.....

pAir of pAnTs?
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:37:00 PST

wHich woUld yoU preFer?

My caKe - or Ed's GuTbusTer buRger?
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:43:00 PST

NeW wEek, NeW adDitIon to MeRv’s PeRvs!

hIHoPe you enJoyEd laSt nigHts epIsode wiTh ME flYing a pLane, haVing a NiCe shinY briEfcaSe, calLing Ed FATTY a lOt aNd mAking a SpEcial cAke!!Cum tO mY PhOtos to CheCk ouT the nEwest adDition to My ...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:39:00 PST

ePiSode 2 tHis sUnday - checK out preView heRe!

EpiSode 2 of FurTV is on MTV1 tHis SunDay at 10pm! HeRe is a TaSter - it hAs lOts of ME in it!!!FUR TV : EPISODE TWO : PREVIEW ..tHnx to pEople who pUt viDeos on ThIer paGes - wIll coNtact...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:57:00 PST

nEws & viEws

hIya guyshope you Luved ePisOde 1. if yOu weRe a bIt sIlly & mIssEd it, or Do nOt haVe MTV you Can cHeck iT oUt on MTV Overdrive, vIsiT thE FurTV weBsiTe fOr liNky! aFter the cElebrAtioNs and BaNk...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:51:00 PST

Another T-Shirt Giveaway

thNx foR aLl uR lOvEly cOmMeNtS!! wE haVe a hAndful oF wiNners tHat hAve been conTacted bY a niCe man!nOw wE hAve aNotHer gIveaWay. I hAve viDeo clIps on My Page. SiMply pIck yOur faVe oNe & clIck...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Fri, 02 May 2008 02:45:00 PST

t-sHirt gIvEaway nUmeRo 1 clOsed!

hi fWriends!!!thnx fOr aLl yoUr cOmMenTs! sMart fOlk wiLl bE iN tOuCh wIth thE winnas sOon to gEt aDdreSSes to SeNd the shiRts!!nEw gIveaWay tHiS eVeNing!!!!dOn;t forgEt to cHeck oUt the firSt epiSode...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:13:00 PST

lAst daY for t-ShirTs comMents!

HeLlo!tOday iS laSt dAy yOu cAn wIn a t-sHirt to leaVe a commEnt on mY pAge saYing wHat yOu woUld lIke to dO witH mE .nEw t-sHirt giVeaway tOmoRrow!!!RemEmber!FUR TV Sundays 10pm from 4th May on MTV O...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:48:00 PST

ChatRooM blOg 4!!

tHis tiMe I sEem to haVe fouNd a lOng loSt relaTive!!!bulbous: heloBUZZ!!!Minky: HIMinky: BUZZMinky: BUZZMinky: BUZZMinky: bulbous: yes why ur buzzingMinky: i drank fizzy cola!bulbous: gudbulbous: wht...
Posted by Mervin J. Minky on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:19:00 PST