READ READ READ,moovies, hot tubs, hot springs, cold mountains, sarcasm, intelligence, walking, hiking, haikuing???, optimism, voting, okay i like altruism and humanatarians, trying to figure out how to get Rosco to fetch me a tasty beverage or go get his leash, philosophical conversationsm conversing in general, science, art, architecture, sustainable living, design, the real state of the union, radio, duh..i totally forgot about MUSIC!!!!!being proactive, creating, photography wow there's so much maybe i'll add more later
Love it, would really be interested in learning how to play the bajo, harp, flute, guitar, stand-up bass, a drum kit, and the spoons.Listenin wise as long as its not countryrock, bad rap, or christian chorus, im into it, but need to be schooled about a lot of it
Will someone please suggest something???
Les MIserables is one of the best books ever written. Screw the musical, this is where it's at. Unabridged mind you.
a little life reflection is always good
Feelin' a little down?? I felt validated after reading this book...