I'm in the army so naturally I like guns. I like to write novels and screen treatments. Let's see what else...cars, driving very fast, airplanes, boats, movies, partying, dancing (but only when I am inebriated), stimulating conversation, and traveling. Anything that sounds fun at the time.
Angelina Jolie, and if they were still alive, the Rat Pack (Sinatra, Martin, Davis Jr., Lawford & Bishop). Back to reality, just cool, intelligent people.
Frank Sinatra & the Rat Pack, the Doors, Jimmy Hendrix, Green Day, Paul Oakenfold, John Barry, Bob Dylan, anything 007. But I hate country and I despise most of the new rap out there.Human Target
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Casino Royale (kicked ass!) Scarface, Casino, the Man with the Golden Gun, Heat, JFK, Faranheit 9/11, Lord of War, Battle of Britain, Gone in 60 Seconds (the original 1974 version), the Getaway (the original w/ Steve McQueen), the French Connection, Goodfellas, the Seven Ups, A Bridge too Far, the Odessa File, the Quiller Memorandum, Funeral in Berlin, the Ipcress File, the Saint, the Bourne Identity, the Bourne Supremecy, Collateral, the Manchurian Candidate, Assault on a Queen, Mr. Majestyk, Point Blank, Payback, the Spy who Loved Me, Thunderball, the Living Daylights, the Doors, Bullitt, Lawrence of Arabia, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, My Blue Heaven, Get Shorty
Crime Story, Miami Vice, the Sopranos, Sex and the City
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Casino Royale, The Last Battle, No Deals Mr. Bond, Zero Minus Ten, the Naive and Sentimental Lover, Bankok 8, the Godfather, Fools Die, the Last Don, the Sicilian, The Killing of a President, On the Trail of the Assassins, Casino Royale, Wiseguy, Boss of Bosses, the Complete Illustrated History of Organized Crime, Casino, Donnie Brasco, Bound By Honor, Honor Thy Father, Mafia Princess, Thunderball, CIA Diary: Inside the Company, Inside the CIA
The soldiers of the US Military, my fellow brothers in arms.