James profile picture


worrying now does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it only empties today of its strength

About Me

Well lets see my name is James I’m a pretty kicked back person never really complain too much. If your cool then I’m cool. I like the outdoors snowboarding, wake boarding, camping, fishing and anything else that u can do outside…..I’m always down. I like taking road trips with my friends, we always have a kick ass time. Getting drunk being impaired is always a good time (till the next day). My life mainly revolves around work though, I’m a carpenter preparing to get my contractors license, Im working for a company called Interior Wall Systems, its going good so far. I like music a lot, I like to play the drums but I can play the guitar and bass too. With out music I would be lost, can’t function with out it….I’ll go through withdrawals after too much silence.I’m open to about anything and everything, I try not to judge. I really don’t give a shit about what people think about me (to a certain extent).That’s basically it (for now).

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Drummers

My Interests

Drums and women. In that order (in most cases:)

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anyone cool, anyone who just acts themselves and likes to have a good time and be real. I would also like to meet Chris Farley, Bradly Noel, Kurt Cobain, and a bunch of other people that are impossible to meet.Garth, Drum solo
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My all time favorite band gotsta be Sublime. I like a whole shitload of music though like Longbeach Dub, Rancid, The Used, Foo Fighters, Social D, Jimi Hendrix, Foo Fighters, Chevelle, Dynamite Hack, HB Surround, Bob Marley, Jack Johnson, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Outside of Society, Greenday, Metallica, Pearl Jam....... I could go on forever.


Tommy Boy, Kill Bill, American History X, Cheech and Chong (all of em..) and Training Day


I'm not too big on t.v. I only watch a few things like the Simpsons, Family Guy, Smallville, That 70s show, I mostly watch MTV and Fuse(if i'm watching anything at all)