Well I like to sleep and then I like to eat. Oh and I secretly enjoy shitting on the carpet and acting like I don't know who did it. Hehehe
My old family so I can laugh in their faces for giving me up. HA HA! I'm living the life now.
I'm not down for all that loud and hard music. I like peace and quiet
I don't know, I really can't seem to get into movies all that much. I'll start them but I just lose interest so quickly. I usually go lay down after about 10 minutes into a movie.
Now TV, I can almost make it through a program. That damn Chris Angel just blows my mind. How the hell can he do those things? And this Dog Whisperer, why the hell do those dogs pay him any attention? I know he's full of shit, why can't they see it?
The statistics:· Approximately 2,500 kittens and puppies are born each hour in the United States · One cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats in seven years.· One dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 pups in seven years.· Animal control agencies and shelters receive approximately 27,000,000 animals annually.· Those animals not adopted within a week are killed by lethal injection or by undesirable methods such as in carbon monoxide gas poisoning or decompression chambers. (5,000,000 animals annually)· It is estimated that some 5,000 puppy mills are operating today; breeding more than a 500,000 dogs a year.· Helpless victims of the euthanasia room, purebred dogs make up approximately 20% to 30% of shelter populations.· At least 60% of dogs and 78% of cats that enter shelters are euthanized.Animal guardians who do not spay and neuter their pets are the single greatest cause of companion animal tragedy.Informing the public about this desperate situation will help alleviate the tragic results.Sterilizing helps stem the tide of overpopulation; it does not make animals fat and lazy, harm their health, or alter their personalities, as some people mistakenly believe. Spaying reduces the stress and discomfort that females endure during "heat" periods, eliminates the risk of uterine cancer and greatly reduces the chance of mammary cancer. Neutered males are far less likely to roam, fight, or spray, and are far less likely to develop testicular cancer.What must be done…Education programs must be developed for adults, because adults are ultimately responsible for the family pets. At the same time, we must reach youngsters. By teaching young children how to be caring and responsible animal guardians, we hope that they will grow up to be more sensitive and responsible adults. Help us to create a more compassionate world for all creatures, ourselves included.For low cost spay/neuter programs in your area Please call Friends Of Animals at 1-800-321-PETS Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST or visit www.friendsofanimals.org
I must say I really like my daddy and mommy. They have showed me and taught me sooooo much. I never knew love until they showed up on the doorstep of my old home and took me away to the land of canned dog food, fluffy pillows, clean water bowls and endless green grass to play in. I Love You Guys!!!! Oh and my brother is pretty cool too i guess.