(I'll stay away from the normal 'listening to music & plucking my eyebrows' sort of stuff). I'm interested in what ugly people looked like when they were four.
Jesus, it'd be really handy if i ever needed some fish and bread, and whenever he got cut we could drink some nice wine. Apart from that I'd like to meet anyone from any/all of my favourite bands and anyone who has an interesting story to tell about the tendency of milk to go off in one's fridge.
Yeah! I love music!! O.K. my top fives.... Top Five Albums at the moment; Grandaddy : The Sophtware Slump Liars : Drum's Not Dead Arcade Fire : Funeral Death From Above 1979 : You're A Woman, I'm A Machine The Decemberists : Castaways and Cutouts
The Castle, Chopper, Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman
The Office (And Ricky Gervais' 'Politics' & 'Animals' standups! "Ask me anything about sharks and Nazi's, a shark would of found Anne Frank like that...a good book, but ended abruptly and no sequel, lazy.") South Park, Little Britain
Anything on space or philosophy...gotta love those quarks, or do I?????
Anyone who can keep a straight face while watching a banana roll down a moist slope.