IcEcHoLiC profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

the night slowly fades en goes slow motion.... all de commotion become floatin emotions.... imagine all de world leaders are peaking on vitamin E.... than imagine the morning after.... By : De CrE4tOr of BrAiN dAmAgEGoD iS a DJ- When I am on Vitamin E-PaRaNoIa InDuStRiE_Everything you know is completly WRONG!!

My Interests

1.LiQuId DaNs@RaVes 2.SmOkEn BlUeTaS tIlL i GeT d-ToX 3.SmOkEn Js' 4.SpInNiNg My TT 5.SlEePinG 6.ScuBa DiVe 7.PoPpiNg ViTaMiN Eeeeeeeee 8.HiTtInG mY AyoTte DrUms 9.MoDifiCaTe My CaR 10.MoDiFicAtE My IcE BoNG

I'd like to meet:

De CrEaToR of BLUETAS??? (S) real u all users know what dis is stand for....AlL tHe RaVeRs In FoRbIdDeN pArAdIsE iSlAnD...........people who likes to partyyyyyyyy harrrdddddddd.......all my high school friends in perth from ChRiSt ChUrCh GrAmMaR sChOoL....Dj tIeSto,PaUl VaN dYk en SaSha en of course my ex MiRa...KuRt CoBaiN,ZaKy(Dedicated to my best friend who already pass away)...MoStLy eVeRyBoDy who wants to be my friends!!!!


Mostly every type of MuZiKs since i am drummer en dj: GrUnGe,PuNk,SKa,AlTerNatiVe,InDiE, EuRo TrAnCe,PrOgGreSsiVe,TrIbAL,GoA,DeEp TrAnCe,HaRd TeChNo,ElEcTro en DeEp HoUSe


1.Godfather Trilogy 2.Lord of The Rings Trilogy 3.Fear en Loathing in Las Vegas 4.Batman Begins 5.Spiderman 2 6.24 HOURS PARTY PEOPLE 7.Half Baked


ThE ReTuRn oF IcEmAn.....