Daniela profile picture


The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains I have

About Me

Not typical miami girl. I like to have fun but i have my priorities straight . I like to cook,watch sports(specially football),read,music, Belly Dance, hangout with friends and i always enjoy an intelligent conversation.....i believe that Artificial intelligence is not match for natural stupidity......I can be sarcastic at times, but thats all in good fun!......I am a very honest person,and i expect the same back in return, and i will tell you like it is, but i make sure i take care of my friends and family.

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My Interests

Music Video: CRYIN' (by Aerosmith)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone

I love ART............Romero Britto and Pierre Marcel are among many current favorites! I also enjoy arabic music i think is beautiful!

I'd like to meet:

Glenn Beck,Rush Limbaugh,Tony Soprano and King Leonidas of course!


Coldplay,Lifehouse,Omd,Savage Garden, The Bravery,enigma, elton john ,Tarkan,The cure,Godsmack,Remy zero,Audioslave,oasis, Jack Johnson, Michael Buble,steve miller band,Stone Temple Pilots, boston, wallflowers, a perfect circle, Beatles!


The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, Storm of the Century, Scarface....BEST MOVIES EVER!


HOUSE M.D , The Sopranos!,Entourage,Law & Order, sex in the city,The simpsons, Family guy ,Dane Cook, Transformers,and 24..


The Roman Empire, The message of the sphinx,The handy History Book, Kingdom Hospital,Elements of moral Philosophy,The King of Torts, The street Lawyer and anything by John Grisham


My family and G-d ! and Dr. House =)? Eretz Yisrael!