Music Video: CRYIN' (by Aerosmith)
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Glenn Beck,Rush Limbaugh,Tony Soprano and King Leonidas of course!
Coldplay,Lifehouse,Omd,Savage Garden, The Bravery,enigma, elton john ,Tarkan,The cure,Godsmack,Remy zero,Audioslave,oasis, Jack Johnson, Michael Buble,steve miller band,Stone Temple Pilots, boston, wallflowers, a perfect circle, Beatles!
The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, Storm of the Century, Scarface....BEST MOVIES EVER!
HOUSE M.D , The Sopranos!,Entourage,Law & Order, sex in the city,The simpsons, Family guy ,Dane Cook, Transformers,and 24..
The Roman Empire, The message of the sphinx,The handy History Book, Kingdom Hospital,Elements of moral Philosophy,The King of Torts, The street Lawyer and anything by John Grisham
My family and G-d ! and Dr. House =)? Eretz Yisrael!