my name is Bastian Emmett, but i also answer to many nicknames, including (but not limited to): Baz, Basil, Baby, and Azerbaijan. i am a cat, obviously. a flame point siamese mix, to be more specific. i celebrated the 3rd anniversary of my birth this past August, which (in case you were wondering) means i was born under the astrological sign of Leo . i am definitely a performer - i love to showcase my superfeline intelligence. i know how to fetch, roll over, play catch, and do leaping flips high in the air. i am also a very eloquent speaker with near-flawless grammar and diction, and an immense vocabulary.
i live with my mommy, step-sister, and step-brother in the Valley.
Marengo is around 4 or 5 years old. she is a black cat with green eyes and tiny little fangs. my mommy adopted her from a cool girl named Jen, who lives in Echo Park, back in January 2003. she was originally named Noir, but now she is Marengo Noir. she doesn't put much faith in astrology, and isn't concerned with trying to remember her birthdate or astrological sign.
Tre is an orange tabby with orange-y hazel eyes. he appeared in a back yard in Orange County on June 14th, 2005. he wasn't more than a few weeks old at the time. his full name is actually Tre-Ohki. the 'Tre' part came about because on the third consecutive day of his hanging around the yard, it became apparent that wanted to stick around, and therefore, he needed a name. 'Three' was the first suggestion, but 'Tre' was decided on as a better alternative. the '-Ohki' part is in tribute to the half cat/half rabbit 'cabbit' creatures from the Japanese manga "Tenchi Muyo!" his birth sign is most likely Aries , and he definitely fits the profile.
i'd also like to pay tribute to a cat named Minkin, because he was my mommy's eldest, and it was with his blessing that Marengo and i were able to join the family. Minkin was a 9-year-old tabby, and he was born in Baltimore, MD. his astrological sign is Gemini , and that is also his middle name. my mommy adopted him the day he was born, when her neighbor's cat had a litter. he moved out here with her back in 2002. he passed away on November 9, 2004. i'll write more later.. my paws need a rest.
My Interests
sleeping, napping, lounging, playing, eating, being really cute, having extensive conversations with humans..
i admittedly enjoy chewing on these from time to time, but i have made great progress at learning to control the urge.