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The Sizzleteen

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Maybe it's bourgeois, but I really love when apostrophes are used properly, and I really hate it when people drag their feet.
But hey, no one is perfect right? Sometimes I cackle, and that's a bit abrasive.
So, who loves words (and how they are strung together)?
I'm curious; what does 'down to earth' mean exactly? And why is it touted as an admirable quality? Is it really such a good thing to be so grounded or pragmatic? At any rate I am certainly not. At least not all the time.
I like listening to songs that express myself, or how I feel. I enjoy lyrics. And books! And sentences...
Who needs fudge when you've got tiny cups of love?
I am currently learning Spanish, and my French is a little rusty; I could use to practice both. Any takers?
Ils dodelinent de la tête en tirant sur leurs cigares; ils s'ennuient. Ils pensent; Garcin est un lâche. Mollement, faiblement. Histoire de penser tout de même à quelque chose. Garcin est un lâche. Voila ce qu'ils on décidé, eux, mes copains. Dans six mois, ils diront: lâche comme Garcin. Vous avez de la chance vous deux: personnes ne pense plus à vous sur la terre. Mois, j'ai la vie plus dure....
... Allons, tout va bien: la guerre est finie, ma femme est morte et je suis entré dans l'histoire.

My Interests

Back-scrubbing at the YWCA, Choice, teaching pigs to sing, terraforming, interweb lurking, Love, gaining Guildmaster status (of every faction).

I'd like to meet:

I am not at all interested in having "internet friends". That being said I do really enjoy actually meeting new people:
Statiscally average personal narratives,
Myself (past or future),
and Olof Dreijer 'cause I have a huge crush on him.


I like music from every genre. Even some really bad pop.


Harold and Maude, The Royal Tenenbaums, Pretty in Pink, Alice in Wonderland, Heathers


Arrested Development, Star Trek TNG, Freaks and Geeks, Kids in the Hall, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Futurama, Strangers with Candy, Firefly, Buffy, Lost


By Author: Strube, Robbins, Sartre, Beattie, Auden, Kim Stanley Robinson, Easton Ellis, Gaiman, Murakami


Dame Marjorie Chardin. My homefries.

My Blog

Things that were funny yesterday

1. "Butt Buddies"2. "All of it?"3. Gay jokes.but definately not the Snow.That wasn't funny i n the least.
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

Things I did.

1.   Finished Rules of Attraction.2.   Rented the film based on the book and watched it.3.   Thought about PoMo void.4.   Watched Annie Hall.5.   Thought about ...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:15:00 PST

Rough Edit

    I remember his anniversary gift.  Well not all of it, but the words he gave me that made me feel loved, words that still make me cry.  "I would pull out my eyes and put th...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:15:00 PST

Is it like this?

Just finished The Rules of's a pretty good film..I decided to rewatch it cause I had just finished the book, which is even better.Course the film was missing some things, but that's und...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:57:00 PST


ARRRRRGG!!I SO HUNGRY!!!!I AM SO EAT MONSTER!I need something better to do with my hands than shoving cupcakes into my mouth.But that something will have to distract me from not smoking just as well.I...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:04:00 PST


    Goddamn.  But I can, and it's good.And I will save two thou a year.These days I like money.VACAY!But I may freak out and pull someone's gallblader out through their nose before...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:46:00 PST


So I wrote a paper just now about memory.  And identity.  And choice.And how we chose what to remember to construct who we are, and what our lives have been, and what it all means.  We ...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:38:00 PST

So tiring!

I got a new job at Utopia, working the brunch shift Saturday and Sunday.It's mostly awsome.  I get to work with Alex, who more or less got me the job in the first place and who is good shit. ...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST

Sweet Jebus it's nice

to know that I will never have to clean up after the asshole masquerading as a cat that used to live in my house."Gin", turned "Shit Fuck"; the two words I used most when he was in the room.Today I sp...
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 09:02:00 PST

It's easy to say

Been down one time, been down two times, and I'm never going back again.Especially today.But that shit blindsides you. Darn.
Posted by The Sizzleteen on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 02:25:00 PST