About Me
Salut mes amis ! Mon nom est Keira (ou quoi que vous me savez déjà par! Kandi??) :p J'aime voyager. J'aime les nouvelles cultures éprouvant. J'aime les gens. J'adore la vie. Je suis très facile à parler à si, ne pas avoir peur de me contacter, surtout si vous parlez le français. Evidemment vous faites si vous pouvez comprendre ceci ! En conclusion, aller vers la grandeur et le séjour loin de tout d'autre. PS- Je suis grand dans l'endroit. ;)
****I am working on some songs, and I promise they will be up as soon as possible for your downloading pleasure! I have been really busy with a lot of other things, but fear not! They will be up soon! Thank you for sticking around and being so patient with me! I will be sure to work on this ASAP!!****
Please keep my wonderful guy in your prayers so that he may have safe journey's in the service. :o)
"Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretence. It's true, we're locked in an image, an act- and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it, they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious posession."
Name: Keira S. Dazi
Birthday: 8/24/84
Location: Anaheim, CA & Santa Monica, CA (and frequently in Columbus, GA & Tacoma, WA)
Boyfriend: Val!
Pets: one kitty cat, Dallas! :o)
Siblings: I have two older siblings who moved out, Brian (Bro) and Terri (Sis). I have two beautiful neices ( from my sister), Liza, 11, and Meagan, 2.
Hobbies: Reading, singing (in the privacy of my own room), volunteering (raising funds to go to Tanzania this yr), Interned at Tricoast & Columbia/Tristar films at Sony pictures Studio, Acting, modeling, chess (yes, I said chess! I'll smoke you!), writing songs & poems and stuff..I am currently writing a children's book...... (I must be the only sober girl in O.C....lol)
Favorite Sports: Hockey!! (to watch and play! whoo hoo!) (Im not too good on the ice, but I'll shank you on wheels!) Tennis, Baseball (but I've played softball), kickboxing, fencing, horseback riding, skateboarding, want to learn snowboarding, and *drumroll* cheerleading! ha ha ha! were you really suprised? (I think not...but that doesn't make me a pink princess! I was only one for one yr! lol) oh....and chess again (lol-watch out!)
*Constant Gardner!!! *Garden State *Closer *V for Vendetta (just about any Natalie Portman movie) *Requiem for a Dream *Donnie Darko *Lost in Translation *Sweet Charity *Braveheart *Back to the Future 1-3 *Amelie *Pride and Prejudice *Beyond the sea *Walk the line *Munich *Memoirs of a Geisha Nightmare before Christmas *Big Fish *Edward Scissor hands (practically any Tim Burton film *March of the pinguins! lol *Modern Times (anything Charlie Chaplin) *Capote *Dirty Pretty Things *Dangerous Liasons *Million Dollar Baby *Girl Interupted *sex, lies and videotape *Beyond Borders *Jerry Maguire *Scarface *Skeleton Key *Almost Famous *Brokeback Mountain *Davinci Code *the Devils Advocate *Troy *Casino *Kill Bill 1 & 2 *Legally Blonde *princess bride *Little Nemo *Clueless *Mean Girls *Better Luck tomorrow *Crash *Casablanca *Mr. & Mrs. Smith *A walk to remember *the Notebook *Along came Polly *Breakfast at Tiffany's *Roman Holliday (Just about any Audrey Hepburn Movie) *James Bond Movies *Shirlie Temple movies LOL *Classic films from the 30's and 40's *Martial Arts and war movies... gosh darn.. I like so many.. the list is endless :p
Despite the fact that you may (or may not) have read these little facts about me (or even this whole page!) you are no where near knowing exactly who I am. So don't be quick to judge. There is so much more to me than meets the eye. Alot of times I may suprise you, disgust you, tickle you, fancy you, or even scare you with the things I say or do. I may even seem like a walking contradiction at times. But what ever it is I say, I do, it's going to be 100% REAL. Don't let this page stop you from trying to figure me out. I am welcoming you into my world, and I hope that through friendship, you will welcome me into yours.....
My thoughts on UTOPIA:
Every person has thought, at least once in their life, that it would be nice if there were no disease, no crime, no poverty, and/or for some other improvement in the Human condition. Since everyone has dreamed of a better world, it is fair to say that Humanity has a common dream. While no two humans are exactly the same, we are all of one race, the human race, and we all share the experience of life in an essentially identical carbon-based life-form structure. We all work for continuing survival while in this structure, and hope for a happy, safe, and good life for ourselves and for our loved ones. Therefore, everyone has a common desire for the best life attainable. "Utopia" is the word used to denote the best life attainable. Since each person has their own unique vision of Utopia, the only universally agreeable description of Utopia is, "the ability for each person to live in their own vision of paradise." Humanity should strive to obtain that ability. Since humans consist of both a tangible physical state (body) and an intangible mental state (mind), the way to achieve Utopia is to find technologies and methods that fully satisfy both states of human existence. With the right new knowledge Humanity can solve any problem and achieve any desired result. History has shown that anytime humanity wants to learn how to do something, such as land a man on the moon, the answers can be found if money and resources are devoted to the cause. Therefore, we should be devoting more resources toward finding the knowledge that will allow each person to live as they desire. I am not talking about selfishness here. I am talking about world happiness. Think about it, Human DNA has been fully mapped and now it is just a matter of determining what each gene does so that we can manipulate the same to stop illness, increase intelligence, etc. Princeton University scientists have already genetically enhanced the intelligence of mice. Aged brains have been restored to youthful vigor in a gene therapy experiment with monkeys. (I, however, don't approve of testing on animals.) Scientists have recently created a new life form in the laboratory by creating a new genetic pattern of a simple organism. Cloning capabilities are increasing. Computing capabilities are going ballistic, and artificial intelligence seems to be on the horizon. With robots, machines, computers, and other technologies beyond our current knowledge such as nanotechnology, we can have unlimited production capabilities. With genetic engineering, chemical manipulation, and future technologies we can enhance the mental state of existence. In sum, with the right new knowledge, humanity can have infinite provision for all tangible and intangible needs and wants for existence, and thereby have Utopia. All this knowlege and what are we doing with it? Where is our money and research going to?! WAR! NUCLEAR BOMBS! MACHINES! FRIVILOUS THINGS TO AID OUR LAZINESS!! etc. If humanity recognized this reality, and devoted more resources toward knowledge, we could accelerate the pace at which we reach a better world. The three basic ways of interacting with knowledge, are: 1) dissemination from accessing stored information, through teaching, or from other methods of communication; 2) use through actions based on awareness of knowledge; and: 3) acquisition of new knowledge from research, through experience, or from other avenues of discovery. Humanity has achieved proficient methods for dissemination of knowledge, and simply needs to better utilize the same in order to facilitate the use of knowledge. The primary method for finding new knowledge is through research and development. Less than 2% of current global productivity is being devoted to research and development. Clearly Humanity could and should be investing more in its future. Without a complete understanding of thought processes, and methods to completely self-control the same, Humanity can never have a true Utopia. You see, people tend to focus too much on saving the environment. Save the rainforests. Save the animals. Fight Poverty! Fight polution! FIGHT WORLD HUNGER!! But what good is all that if we are still not growing as human beings? I for one, am all for saving the environment. I am all for saving animals and cleaning up the earth. But, what good is all that if we still have ingnorant people that will destroy all that we worked so hard to acheive?! I say "ignorant people" and not "evil people" because, ingnorance is the world's evil. Under current circumstances people can be placed in a perfect environment, but there will still be hatred, jealousy, and other manifestations of negative thoughts and actions. In short, a perfect environment will not provide a perfect existence for an imperfect being. Even if we all stop eating meat, there will still be those who love to hunt for the hell of it. It is a paradox for an imperfect being to seek a perfect existence by seeking a perfect place. Therefore, Utopia is more than a place, it is a state of being that fulfills both sides of human duality. In order to reach Utopia we must be able to perfect not just our environment, but also ourselves. Like control of the environment through technology, our ability to control our own thought processes is a necessary piece of the Utopian puzzle. We need a "pair of docs" (two doctors), one to fix our environment, and one to fix ourselves. Once we can self-control and self-regulate negative thoughts, and obtain the ability to have pure thought unrestrained by limitations, we will be free from the chains of our imperfect state of being, and able to reach higher levels of being. We will see the light instead of shadows. Everyone makes a vote as to the type of world we have with their lifetime efforts, and the total of all human actions determines whether the world is like a heaven on earth or a living hell. Therefore, the pursuit of Utopia can be implemented through the consensus method. The consensus method simply involves putting a dream into words and spreading those words until a large enough consensus is created to cause positive action by society. Individually and collectively we must shine the light of knowledge on the darkness of ignorance, until we find our best. I say darkness in the loosest way. Cause if you think about it. It is out of darkness that we truly see the light. If everyone would just focus on one color, just one way of seeing everything, we could all see the unity there is in this world. Then and only then, will this world be ready to have the light shine on us. If we take such a path, at some point in the future, Humanity will have a heaven on earth, where everyone lives as they desire, happy, and in peaceful unity. This is "the ultimate philosophy" A simple plan to make a dream come true: WHO = humans WHAT = best life WHERE = globally WHY = self destiny WHEN = future HOW = knowledge
Some say "Little Girls should be seen and not heard"
I say "Oh bondage, up yours!"
As you all may or may not know, I have quite a few projects going on. The first I would like to mention however, is a project called "Get your 15 minutes of fame". This Project was created by a good friend of mine: Merina!! This is not some flimsy project to show you how to be "Famous" in the petty way. But it is more of a life re-evalualtion. Learn how to get the most out of your life and ofcourse, "LIVE FAMOUSLY!!"
Projects of my own include:
*Project Tanzania -
I am starting a fund raiser to go volunteer in Tanzania, Africa. I will be doing a number of things, including, gathering food supplies for the needy over there, visiting sick children and just helping out in what I can while I'm there. Call me Kandi Jolie if you wish, but I'm doing it!! LOL. I will keep you guys posted on any ways you all can help, as this probably won't take place till Summer 2006.
*Children's Book -
I am writing a children's book about prejudices. It will hopefully teach kids to not judge other kids by their color, social status, and/or parents finances. I haven't been working on this lately, so I am progressing rather slowly here. But I will keep you guys updated on it.
*Project Wings -
This is one that won't come into existence for a loooong time. This is what they like to call a "long term goal". But I shall briefly explain anyway. Alot of kids, Teens and even college students, don't have the opportunity to travel. Teens from low-income families don't see much outside of their own communities. This can cause, bordom, a lack of cultural awarness (resulting in prejudices), and even getting into trouble. Sometimes you just need to know that their is a great big world out there, waiting to be explored! Kids need to see beyond their horizons. I want to create a program for low income young people to have the opportunity to Travel around the world. An opportunity to see historic sites, people of different cultures, different struggles and different geographic territory. Some of these travels may involve volunteer work in addition to sight seeing. Hopefully, this will help kids feel accomplished, less bored (resulting in less crime), and more cultural appreciation.
More projects will be added soon.....
Take the quiz: "Which Disney Princess are you most like (with 2 new princesses)"
You are tottaly in love with the sea and really enjoy collecting its treasures. You Fall in love with someone who seems to not exactly be right for you in society's eyes. You are a good singer, but tend to be on the lazy side; being tardy and skipping class! Everyone finds you attractive, playful, a good swimmer, and very mischevous. You can swim, flip, dive and be one with fish...WHY ON EARTH DO YOU STILL WANT MORE?
I love almost every type of Music! Cultural music from around the globe, hawaiian music, gloomy gothic music-organs and all! (but that doesn't mean I'm some dits that claims to be depressed all the time dumb ass!) some hiphop and rap, SKA!, reggae, epic music, classical- Bach and Beethoven, etc., big band music, 1940's hits, oh! and oldschool PUNK ROCK!!! (no, that does not make me a "punk rocker" you poseur!-so save your preconceptions fo yo mama! ...eh he...)Here are a FEW bands and artists I enjoy listening to. Forgive me if I miss any. I'm trying to keep this short. (scroll down to view)
*Adolescents!! *Dead Kennedys *X-ray specs! *Jonny Was *the Roots! *Mono!!! *Portis Head *The Germs *Tori Amos *A Perfect Circle *White stripes *Day glow abortions *Rolling Stones *Misfits *Danzig *Tool *CRASS *dystopia (a little cotradiction to my lil essay up on the right..wouldn't you agree??? I have an open mind!!) *the Toydolls *the Donnas *No Doubt *the Casualties *THE PILLS!!! (whoo hoo!) *the Ramones *the Cure *The doors *the Smiths *the Shins *the Adicts *GBH *Blondie *Motley Crue *System of the down *Agent Orange *Iron and wine *the Exploited *The used *Nirvana *Postal service *Sex Pistols *Social Distortion *Agent Orange *The Adverts *the Clash *AntiProduct *Bad Religion *Black Flag *Angry Samoans *amnesia *Jimmy eat world *Rancid *Icons of filth *Circle Jerks *Operation Ivy *NOFX *Siouxsie & the Banshees *Floggin Molly *Sham69 *Sum41 *Subhumans *AFI *Conflict *Distillers *Yeah yeah yeah's *Ace of Base *Tila Nguyen's Jealousy! :-P *Lauren Hill!!! *Frank Sinatra *anything 40's (like big band music and old blues songs) *Billie Holiday *and just to "stun" some of you: Britney Spears! ha ha ha..That's right! I love that bitch, and I'm not embarrassed to say it! Alot of people try to act all hard and say "Oh I don't listen to that crap". Shut up. You know you love it. Even if it is corny teeny bopper shit. I admitted it. Why can't you?! lol. *and many many more............
By the way, check out this amazing band!: Jonny Was
That's Lucy Castro, Shane West, and me up there (on the right, duh! :p ). Please check out his band ok? :o)
Political Punk! You don't necesarily have an 'image', persay. You
may dress abit punky but it's more your
attitude and outlook on life that make you
punk. Probably found at shows focusing on
unity, vegan markets and even riots and
protests, you fight for your cause. You're a
true rebel, and even if others in the scene
don't agree with your views, they respect your
conviction. You rock.
What type of punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I have my share of favorites, so I don't want to bore you to death with my critical opinions. But I'll let you know when my lil buddy Frankie (above) decides to work with me! LOL. :o)
Be sure to stay tuned! Get my latest flick updates by subscribing (it's free!) to my newsletter! (Above: Little Red is back with a vengance! lol)
Take the quiz: "What's your ideal occupation?"
Actor, your life is full of drama after drama
Whether your drama be tragic or action you have tons of it.
Don't watch too much of it, but again, I have my share of favorites, hmm....The Simpsons (of course!), family guy, King of the Hill, Charmed (yeah I know-he he), Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!!! (favorite*), Robot chicken, the Office, South Park, the history channel & National Geographic, Style Network, Spongebob square pants, The Daily show!, Chappelle, and well any comedy shows. I'll let you know if I get on the O.C. ...LOL
Take the quiz: "which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you"
you are Meatwad, you are cool, laid back, and trying to live the big life
Take the quiz: "which aqua teen hunger force character are you?"
youre meatwad- cute and round and loves to dance
I love reading so much. It is one of my most favorite things to do. I am fascinated by the intensity of the author�s evocation of a certain event or circumstance. I love books that have some fact. I am fascinated by history; medieval times, "the burning times", World Wars I and II, and the 40's (oh, I LOVE the 40's), oh, and anything on Jello Biafra. I appreciate those authors who can recreate an event so vividly, that they transport the reader as if by time machine. It's amazes me every time. Don't get me wrong, I like fiction too, I just find non-fiction a little more thought-provoking. Reading has inspired me to do some writing of my own. I am currently working on a children's book about racism. The main character being a little asian girl in elementary school. The book will show the many different faces of racism, early signs of fascism, and prejudices. It's a little hard to pull off, I know, but hopefully, I will get the point across, and it will help show childrens just how stupid it is to prejudge.
Some of the books in my own little library include:
*Night, by Elie Wiesel (I have an autographed copy! Thanks Joe!)
*Animal Farm, by George Orwell
*Les Jeux de lesprit, by Pierre Boulle
*Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
*The New City, by Lebbeus Woods
*The magic of thinking Big, by David Schwartz
*A One-man Manifesto, by Herbert Read
*Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown
*The Davinci Code, by Dan Brown
*Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens
*Cette Chère Humanité, by Philippe Curval
*Days of love nights of war (Crimethink For Beginners), by Crimethinc
*To Kill a Mocking Bird, by Harper Lee
*The Diary of Anne Frank, by (well duh)
*Shibboleth (by Crass's drummer!)
*Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity, by Bruce Bawer *A Structured Anarchism: An Overview of Libertarian Theory and Practice, by John Griffin
* Empire of the Senseless, by Kathy Acker
*Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
*Journey through Utopia, by Marie Louise Berneri etc.
I'm not mentally ill (not yet anyway..) but I do enjoy reading self help books, like books from John C. Maxwell and Dale Carnegie. I also read business and real estate investment books (hey, if you want something in your life you have to study it right? The same applies to money). But I guess if that kinda stuff puts you to sleep and you want to see what kind of cheezy romance novels I read then I'm sad to say there are none. However, I do very much love V.C. Andrews Books and mystery novels.
Heroes I am my own hero, thank you very much.
PS-To all my Future Fans (you know who you are!):
"I know I can stop the pain, if I will it all away"