After i was born, i started playing the tamborine in the church choir when i was 4, then i just kept playing, then drums, but i wanted to play where i control sound(notes), so i did guitar, but being 8, kid fingers, too many strings, but i kept going, so i jumped on drums when i was 10, it was good for a while, but i couldn't bring the drums to my house, and i still wanted to use notes, so i got the best that there was to be precussive w/ notes, bass. i started that when i was 11, blisters poppin, then it's practicing in between each until the present. oh, and playing in about 5 bands(not at the same time crazy). One of the best being DESTITUTE(for the old skools who remember) other things incude: tea, learning songs, practice, hanging w/ friends, shooting pool, drinking, viewing indie films, nutrious diet of county food(urrgh), building car audio systems, stages and venues, bowling(the master), animation, finding inspiration from heroes, learning new things. and yes , i've bumped my head on the urinal flusher thing while pissing, i was drunk man. my inspiration comes from different music i listen to, and just mold it to what i write. i really like fusion jazz, rock, speed metal, some older punk, hip hop, reggae, beat box, dnb, trip hop, electronical, rnb, and other genres in my head. it's just what i grew up with... Now, i'm playing in TESTING TOMORROW, check it out:
NOTORIUS B.I.G., anyone funny and intersesting, anyone who can appreciate music, women who have interesting things to say and do. honesty is your golden ticket...
plenty to name, here's an example:
many indepedents, lots of comedy, drama, documentaries.
AN INDIE COMMERCIAL I WAS IN: BY anthwaunegreene..
i like to read a lot, not much fiction, one of my favs is 1984