Michael Wayne came by the studio to play this song for ya recently....you may not have heard it, but he and Bubba made a deal waaaaaay back when Micheal was deployed, that when he got back to the good 'ol USA, that he could come in to play a song he wrote for his wife for you live in studio.
Here's a quote from Micheal's myspace page:
"...I'm Finally Home from a year long deployment to Bahgdad Iraq. It was a long road filled with roadside bombs here and there but mostly here and I even Got SHOT in the face and was awarded the Purple Heart, but I finally made it home to the woman I love..."
Below's a video of Micheal Wayne and his bud (and co-writer) Brandon (who is currently on his way BACK to the the Middle East) performing their song "Never Say Goodbye" in Iraq.
Micheal's a cool dude, and you REALLY should find the time to watch this video.
Never Say Goodbye
If THAT doesn't hit ya, you have issues....lol
God Bless our Miltary, and Military FAMILIES left at home to hold things down while your loved ones are half a planet away!
You probably heard us play this song on our Memorial and Veterans Day Shows.
The song is Home Free By Mason Douglas
He's is one of my friends...check out his myspace at:
http://www. myspace. com/masondouglasmusic
I'd like to meet:
To Our American Military.
We LOVE You.
By the way....watch this video .... This was FILMED IN AMERICA
You will be appalled....at least we HOPE that you would be.
Now...This is a change of pace...just for laughs:
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." – Thomas Edison
Charlie Daniels ROCKS...and this cd is THE BEST!!!
We highly suggest you buy it....It's THAT GOOD!!!!
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If you play "Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" on PS3,
Look us up & add us...Our Gamertags are:
bigdradio and bubbaradio
If you recall the bulletin about the potential "virus/phishing" directed towards you, & in general, the listeners of our show...
we FINALLY heard back from the owners of the site that allegedly was behind all that...and Thank God. It was all a misunderstanding.
Craig & Sam are a couple that worked at a station we're on back in the day, and they have a neat internet "celeb/rumor/entertainment" type site located at www.craigandsam.com
check em out. pretty cool stuff on their page...sorry for the confusion...
Sorry that we could neither confirm nor deny any of this sooner. But as you may or may not know: Search within Friends is disabled for users with more than 5,000 friends....and we couldn't look them up to see "who" they were. Now that you have their web address, you can however look them up RIGHT NOW!! They're trying to establish their business, so pay their site a visit
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