When large portions of Tokyo were obliterated by a giant slug in 1966, Andy Warhol was heard to exclaim "That was unexpected!"
This bears no relationship to the name of the band Unexpected Slug, except in the sense of the Jungian meaningful coincidence.
It is meaningful to theorise that the concept thus created of the unexpected slug caused a ripple effect in the collective unconcious, the zeitgeist of the unexpected slug, which ultimately bore fruit in the form of the band Unexpected Slug. In this sense there is only the unexpected slug, and it is all unexpected slugs and the suprise they cause, and by extention the band Unexpected Slug is a manifestation of the unexpected slug of the collective unconcious.
Crawling amongst the fallen leaves, an unexpected slug from a .44 leaves its sticky trail as it enters the aardvark's brain.
Their Discordian majesties scatter golden apple seeds across the mindscapes of all who hear their hymns.