Interested in selling or donating books?We are always interested in buying textbooks in good condition. Textbooks that have mildew stains, missing pages, or any extensive amounts of highlighted, underlined or marked sections will be denied. If you are interested in donating or selling textbooks, please feel free to contact us here through Myspace or at [email protected] to set-up a consultation. **Please include the title and ISBN code for each item you are interested in selling/donating**
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You can search for a specific textbook by visiting our inventory at We have listings of both new and used textbooks, and we are continuously expanding our inventory to offer the best selection for our customers.
Teachers dedicated to the art of teaching and students dedicated to journey of learning.At Dirt Cheap Books and Co, we support education at its highest levels. That is why we pledge to the "D.C.B.C. guarantee" which is to provide high quality, affordable textbooks for college students--everyday.