Insulting, Sultining, Spitting on various minorities, getting bitches to work my jock.
People to insult, nerds, dickwads, dweebs, fags, gays, homosexuals, queers, queer queers, niggers, chinks, waps, kikes, jews, stupid mother fuckers, smelly itallians, good smelling itallians, krauts, handicap morons, dumb-fuckable blondes, some of the children I have probably fathered, some of the fetuses I helped create that have been aborted, the President, assholes, people from the South, the Ghostbusters, neo-Nazis, Right wing dicklickers, Leftist prick jabbers, Alton Brown, Buzz Aldren, Heinrich Himmler, and a guy missing all his teeth.
The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
Hollowed it out to use as a fireplace.
Use em to light my fireplace.