Recording original music..not Muzak...Eating sugar-free/fat-free fudgesicles..Stepping on toes Questioning authority..... Driving fast, walking slow...
Someone with good eyebrows and ankles - preferably female. Perhaps somebody to finance my lingering music project, which just happens to be partially posted at:
Pixies, Patsy Cline, Iron Maiden (no irony...really) Eels, Larryranchero, Tom Waits, Bobby Darin, Neal Diamond..... ahhhh Jesus, everything from Death Metal to Disco w/ a dash of polka
Brazil, Easy Rider, American Beauty, Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Adaptation, A .... load of Documentaries
I'm "celebrating" 9 months w/o TV...eeeeek
Dictionary, Alphabet vs. the Goddess...and stranglely enough: Jane mag
J. Cash