Life, Art, music, design.
I would like to expose my self to other artistic, inpulsive people, other cultures, other truth seekers.The arrow of the centaur represents the stage of the human development in which the individual has evolved the ability to activate his vital energy to its maximum mobility.Thoughts shoot out in all directions, impregnating society with their latitude of vision and wide scope of understanding. Not only does the mind quicken to the creative pulsations within, but the body is ever eager to explore those new avenues of self-exploration that the mind has created, The more muture archer has learned never to scatter his energies. He is one-pointed in the pursuit of his goals, achieving them one at a time while gaining the strenth inherent in his accomplishments.You should understand me better now....
vicious pink, new order, kate bush, tom tom club, smiths, sugar cubes,house music, pete tong, grove armada, daft punk, air, john B., larry tee, miss kitten, david bowie, ann clark, dj dan, marc alomand, dead or alive, Lady Kier and Delite, Madonna, acid house, drum and bass, vintage lounge music,.........( dj culture ) ..
art and design books are cool,I read design magazines... Elle decor uk edtion, Wall Paper, mix mag, Dwell, nylon,
The Harlqueen