Painting, photography, sewing, scrapbooking, anything crafty really, and of course anything that includes the beach especially snorkeling, diving, and surfing. I also like to go biking and hiking. And I think everyone is familiar with my traveling interests!
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Of course Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, Daredevil, Xmen, X2, Spiderman, Batman Begins, Goodwill hunting, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy,Crash, For the Love of the Game(what's he looking at?), Seven, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Gladiator, The Matrix,Wedding crashers, Basic, The Italian Job, Kill Bill, The notebook, My Best Friends Wedding (those are my girlie flicks), Fever Pitch(for the soul reason--I love my Sox!), Saw, Elf, Gone in 60 seconds, American Pie, and I can't forget Fast and the Furious(Pop the hood?) Gross Point Blank, Garden State, 300 was amazing, Superman, pretty much most Marvel and comic book movies..
In no particular order... Grey's Anatomy My disparate housewives...If you haven't gotten into this show by now there must be something wrong with you
Eye's just a bonus this show is good.