brazilian jiu-jitsu, jogging, fish, surfing, bromeliads, dogs, veganism, tats, straightedge, soft yummy rope and the knots to go with them, catacombs building stuf, welding, woodworking, electronics, ohms law, union politics, breaking bones (my own or otherwise), i cant stop with the damn youtube, and the dirty sanchez, vetzakske- - - -
i don't want to meet anyone who can't help me learn dutch or play the banjo. perhpas we can meet for a vegan dinner, and talk about tropical fish and/or plants. - - - - -
metal, ska, irish...., pogues,the streets, jason webley, bolt thrower, sleep, jonny cash, specials, hepcat, earth crisis, hatebreed, cake, sixteen horsepower, upsetter, squirl nut zipprs, desmond decker, symaryp, salyer, black sabbath, extreme elvis, misfits, minor threat, danzig, damned, joy division, nick cave, -hip hop...what started a an ironic joke has become a sick obsession...
28 days later, blues brothers, super troopers, resivior dogs, repo man, man bites dog, romper stomper, secretary, the harder they come, gummo, a wife to sacrifice, 28 days later, dawn of the dead ..
i got rid of almost all ties to the t.v. if i do watch it i prefer discover, history, and all that sort of thing. and uh, Het Eiland. those bastards got me. Lost... it..s a sickness.
the prince, guns germs and steel, botany of desire, memoirs of a giesha, swastika night, gates of fire, edgar allen poe,steven pressfield, gorey, orwell, mitchner, the prehistory of sex , savage garden, wizard- the life and times of nikola tesla,h. p. lovecraft
jane goodall, darwin, belgians, john muir, MC MOTHAFUCKIN' HAWKING, and anyone trying to make a difference in the world. that olberman guy is starting to impress me....................belgians.