Hoover History:
Way before the Hoovers were actually Crips they were known as the Hoover Groovers, They used to be a gang on its own but United with Tookie's West Side Crips and then became Hoover Crips.
The Hoover Criminal Gang's were once Crips, the word "Hoover" comes from a blvd of the same name that runs through certain areas in South Central Los Angeles. The Hoover Criminals were first just known as Hoover Crips and Hoover Gangster Crips and originally were a main force behind the Gangster Crip (GC) sets but around 1979 the Gangster Crip sets (mainly the Eight Tray Gangster Crips) began feuding with the Rolling 60's that are part of the Neighborhood Crip (NHC) sets.... The feud first began as fighting using hand to hand combat but soon escalated into murder using knives and then Guns.
Around 1995 the Hoover Gangs decided to be a gang on its own because of their deadly feuds with many Crip sets. The Hoovers decided to keep the letter "C" but changed its meaning from "Crip" to "Criminal". The Hoover Gangster Crips and the Hoover Crips are said to be the only two of the Hoover Gangs not to have changed over to Criminals but the Hoover Criminals are still united with them til this very day and are considered to be the same gang....
The Hoovers also chose the color Orange as their official gang color, they did this because the color Orange is the same color as the Orange Jail jumpsuits worn by all inmates in the Los Angeles County Jail.
More Hoover facts:
The Eight Tray Hoovers (ETHC, 83st Hoover, H83VER, Tray Gang) holds the biggest gang turf in South Central (Eight Tray really means 83st which is a street that is in South Central Los Angeles) its gang turf is about five miles long. Other Hoover Gangs are the 74 Hoover (Seven Foe, 74Hoova, 74st Hoover, H74VER), Bay Bayz, Raskals, Everyday Hoover (ED Hoover), 24/7 Hoover, 92 Hoover, 94 Hoover, 52 Hoover, 59 Hoover, Hoover Crime Gang, West Side Hoover, Hoover Bloods (yes I typed Bloods), Hoover Locos (which is a click of the 18st gang in south central, the Hoover Locos was started because the Hoover Gangs and the South Central 18st Gang share gang turf, it is not really considered officially part of the Hoover Family but they keep it cool with each other). There are other Hoover Gangs now appearing in parts of the world as well.
The Hoovers are so big that many other Hoover gangs do not know that they are no longer Crips in some parts of the world. The word Hoover has also been known to be spelled "Hoova", some Hoover sets in parts of the country say "Hoova Crip" for example but it really means "Hoover Crip".
Any gang using the word "Hoova" must know that it is just a shorter way of saying "Hoover" and it is part of the Hoover family. Younger members of the Hoover gangs do not know that the Hoova's are the same as the Hoovers, the only thing differnt is the spelling of it.
The Hoover Gangs are still considered to be part of the Gangster Crip sets, but as newer members are welcoed into the gang they forget its origins.... The Hoovers now feud with most Crips, Bloods and Sur13. The Hoovers unite with Piru sets in Prisons (they do this because the Piru sets are now a gang on its own as well and are no longer considered Blood gangs)....
The Hoover gangs still keep close ties with the Hoover Crips and Hoover Gangster Crips that decided not to change their name to Hoover Criminals in 1995. The Hoover gangs also are on good terms with a few Crip sets that are not Hoovers in some parts of the World. The Hoovers are on very good terms with the Insane Crip Gang of Long Beach California, together they make what is known as the Hoosane Alliance. What makes the Hoover gangs unique is that it also has Blood sets as well that are conisdered to be part of the Hoover Family.
The Hoover Gangs use the Orange color and in some cases use it along with the Blue color, the Hoovers still say "Cuz" like all other Crip gangs do but they now prefer to say "Grove" or "Groove".... As you can understand by reading this, the Hoover Gangs come in various forms... All are part of the Hoover Family though and are expected to get along. There are over 12,000 thousand active members of the Hoover gangs in Los Angeles County alone. Numbers are growing and law enforcement has been uneffective in conbatting the Hoovers as they Keep it Groovin'.....
Hoover Crip (HCG, HGC) and the Neighborhood Crip (NHC) Wars are perhaps the oldest and most deadly Crip on Crip feuds that has lead many Crip gangs since then to kill eachother.
The Hoover Gangs decided around 1995 to trade in the word "Crip" for "Criminal" because of their ongoing deadly feuds with many Crip gangs.
Any Crip gang that is part of the Neighborhood Crip (NHC) family tree are some of the most deadly enemies of any Hoover gang.
Gangster Crip sets include:
Hoover Gangster Crips (HGC), Play Boy Gangster Crips (PBGC), Palm Oak Gangster Crips (POGC) and many others but please note that even though the Hoover Gangster Crips came from the "Gangster Crip Family tree, Hoovers are at war with some of the Gangster Crip sets....
Hoover Gangs are not a set of any Gangster Disiple gang, Hoover is a blvd that runs down parts of Los Angeles. Larry Hoover did not give birth to the Hoover Gangs. Gangster Disiple and other Folk Nation gangs use the star of David, Hoovers use a FIVE pointed star.
The Hoover Gangs call any members of the Neighborhood Crip sets "Napp's (naps)" which is short for Nappy Heads.
Hoovers are also known as the "H Gang".