There is a big chance I know more about astrology than you do.
I have a tattoo on the right side of my neck.
I have Mars in Libra.
I say fuck, a lot.
I love fresh flowers.
I have a wee obsession with body piercing.
I love how most of Adam Sandler's movies have the same casts.
I definitely know more about astrology than you do.
I am easily entertained.
I own a lot of 'Greatest Hits' cds.
Halloween is my absolute favorite day of the year.
I steal straws from fast food places and gas stations.
I drink everything with a straw.
I make jewelry & candles.
I am usually playful & sarcastic - if I like you.
I drive a big truck.
I hate living in snow.
I FUCKING love Yankee Clean Cotton candles.
I have plastic in my face - not by choice.
I am a Southwest frequent flyer.
I hate malls.
wizards & witches. and gary oldman.
Honestly anything writen or recorded after the mid-nineties is for the most part, crap. Occasionally, there are some artists that break through and are pretty damn fantastic. I like music with depth, all genres.
I watch a lot of movies. Some days I find myself sitting in front of the t.v. having my own mini movie marathons. I'd rather clean or mess with my art stuff watching a movie than listening to music. Chloe Sevigney and Kevin Spacey excite me. Quentin Tarantino's movies are pretty good. The original Star Wars movies are some of my all time favorites. Return of the Jedi is the best, the ewoks make me all fuzzy inside. Thrillers, suspense, action, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi. Lately I've been completely obsessed with Harry Potter. Yes. I follow the masses of H.P. followers. Guilty.
Srubs. Hands down. I don't have cable so when I watch t.v. its usually whatever is on fox late at night before bed.
.. and if I am not watching t.v. before bed I do like to read. I mostly like to read to learn - rather than read novels and stories, etc. (I will admit to reading all the Harry Potter books just because I'm cool like that.) Mostly historical stuff about other cultures, books about the law of attraction and the human sub-conscious and psyche. That sort of stuff.