An ego based obsession to conquer and rule Hollywood. That and poster art.
Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Spielberg to start. I like uniqueness, in opinion, though, belief... I see no greater asset in a person then then the ability to some how remove themselves from the rest of the pile.It's snobbery I'll admit, but when a person is nothing more then a collection of social rhetoric, who fails to doubt or at least examine the given rules of commonly accepted act or personality, I look down upon them as dull and with out worth.
Pick an date between 1720s and 1970s. Then remember a famous name, maybe a name you parents or grand parents have annoyed you with. Thats the music I listen to.It's old, quaint, even pretentious. But I love being able to hear the birth of forms, songs and genres.
Most anything with James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, or Peter Otoole in it
The wire, Dexter, Stewart and Colbert. And, though it's no longer on the air, MST3K
Twain, Shakespeare, ect. Simply think of an author who's famous amongst both the masses and the elite and you'll have my preference.
Jon Stewart, Twain, Da Vinci, TE Lawrence, Hayao Miyazaki.