Welcome to my space page. I am James and I'm married to my wife, Angela. I have two kids and one on the way. I am a levite which means I sing for the Lord. I am a member of River of Life Family Church and I sing in the choir. I'm also a six time Golden Glove champion. I love to box but had to give it up because I had an aneurysm. I have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and have conquered not only an aneurysm but also TB. One day I was driving and my tire came off. Things could have really gotten bad there too, but by the grace of God, I am alive and hanging on. I have had a hip replacement but I get around pretty good. God is good all of the time.He saved my life four times where I should have been dead. He has a purpose for me as He does for you. I was homeless and God rescued me and my family from that situation. God said man should not live by bread alone and now we have a place to live. Never forget about Jesus. Give to others especially the homeless. Never forget where you came from and how far God has brought you. Thank Him and praise His name for setting you free from bondage. Always keep your eyes and heart on Him and you will make it through life. Never forget what He has done for you.
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