charlotte profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I made my myspace layout using

im a woman who fits no genre. Though none of my friends really believe it or think it suits me i work in the tax office in Galway, but at least i work in the department that gives money back to people i dont take it away. Dont hate me! . Before now i was a manager at the oldest original inn in the u.s.. i like rubber duckies my car in the states is a duckie, well its name is duckie but its orgasm blue. In ireland i drive a Black Mercedes called robert but dont worry im not posh he's seventeen years old and needs lots of work. my friends call me a dirty hippy but mainly i just like shiny things. i like to smoke i love to drink but i don't often as i have my son and no reliable babysitter in galway. i have to be constantly entertained but thats ok cos it really doesnt take Also i am a mother i had my son on march 29th of this year his name is Toran Tadhg Dawson-Stanley and no child will be raised more like a dirty hippie than this one. i figure if i raise him like that when he rebels he will like get a job and a bank account and be a cool successful well rounded young man. I have three tattoos which i like very much and eight holes in my ear used to be nine but the uneveness annoyed me.

My Interests

music, reading, sounds boring huh? i have no idea what my interests are i like stuff ok? deal with it

I'd like to meet:

anyone interesting


my music tastes vary to all genres but everyone has its shite. mainly i like rock, folk i dunno. i hate pop


my favorite movie EVER is tank girl but my oldest fave would have to be the greatest little whorehouse in texas and no its not a porn its just because it was my favorite childhood movie. anyways apart from that i like comedy and shtuff. i dont know i like lots of things. ok...OK?!?!?


i dont watch that much t.v. at all, but when i used to i used to watch the simpsons, and invader zim, and now i mainly watch Ugly Betty and HOME AND AWAY!! and desperate housewives


The bell jar by sylvia plath i know depressing but very good


Take the quiz: "Serial Killer Quiz"

Charles Manson
You are a crazy psycho bastard, ohh you're intimidating and spooky.

My Blog

updated arrival date

yeah i lost my purse which had my passport in it in the vip area of electric picnic the 3 day music festival and they are sending it back to me but hasnt arrived yet so now instead of arriving tomorro...
Posted by charlotte on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 02:16:00 PST


i cant wait till electric picnic! modest mouse is playing. its the day after tomorrow and i can finally be excited as i moved back from galway today. a week and a half till i go back to texas! woohoo!
Posted by charlotte on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:32:00 PST

moving back

so yeah i changed my mind i cant cope with it here and shall be moving back to texas sometime near the start of september. yay!
Posted by charlotte on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:03:00 PST

New Pics

There are new pics of toran on my pictures for those who are interested
Posted by charlotte on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:54:00 PST

torans birthday

torans birthday was fantasic apart from having to shout at his 3, 5, and 7 year old aunts and uncles a few times. he got a car that he  can ride along on and he just loves it. i have pics and sha...
Posted by charlotte on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 03:42:00 PST

update again

well toran and i are on our way to england. well not precisely at this moment we are actually sitting in the airport as the plane has been delayed. absolutely dying for a smoke. Toran the Tadhg-er has...
Posted by charlotte on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 11:45:00 PST


Well iv finally moved to galway. Wohoo! but i dont have internet in my house i can only use it on the weekends when i come home so dont be alarmed if idont write back to you for a while. Going to cour...
Posted by charlotte on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 01:34:00 PST

sick baby

my poor little man got a skin infection. i had to go in to the hospital with him and since he has veins like me they couldnt get the iv in for ages. that is the most upset iv ever seen him he cried fo...
Posted by charlotte on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:33:00 PST

exploding baby

so my baby likes to explode. the day before yesterday he was constipated so i gave him prune juice and he exploded! poo everywhere! three towels, a few nappies, the changing mat, and my mother it was ...
Posted by charlotte on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 10:33:00 PST

6 1/2 weeks left

argh!!! six and a half weeks left till i have the baby and im feckin huge!!! there was a lady in the clinic who was due and was smaller than me. i think i am having humongous baby of doom! and im all ...
Posted by charlotte on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 04:54:00 PST