Kyle profile picture



About Me

My name is Kyle. I'm 17 and horny. I love music I play the guitar and play rock/metal/punk/death metal. I have no car. I am currently and always broke. I am down for almost anything... I hate stuck up girls and girls with attitudes(guess I could say a majority of Lakewood ranch pisses me off) I hate the south(I'm from Chicago) I hate pink shirts. I hate the fucking Hollister bird logo.I hate steak, and I really dislike discussing cars and sports with girls fathers.I like boxing and 1 more thing.....I GET HIGH LIKE E-V-E-R-Y DAY! Smoke weed like every day...Id rather die than be dry.So if you drink and hate weed smokers....I hope your liver fails.(and yes that is a dime bag of some bomb chron I got In Calli Im holding in the pic)I have a 5 foot anaconda too :)Ill be sure to include more things that I dislike later..

My Interests

Rock n' roll,sex(lil drugs). ANYTHING that isnt safe/something most people wouldent do.


Dream theater,Metallica,Guns n' Roses,Green Day,Shit...anything but country or emo...


Alice In wonderland and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Exorcist.


Don't really watch TV...maybe south park. Hate reality shows.


No thanks.


Dad/Randy Rhoads