84-03:Danville, KY
03-05:Lexington, KY
05-06:Danville, KY
06- :Lexington, KY
Booking(on different levels) :
The Scourge of The Sea
The Broken Spurs
Petticoat, Petticoat
Dickie Haydon
The Interiors
Previously: Neva Geoffrey, The Sterns
coffee, tea, foreign film, black and white photography, soup beans and cornbread, music, music business, religion/philosophy, reds baseball, the 1980's
today: the band, m83, the national, the raveonettes
recently watched and enjoyed:
Closely Watched Trains
Elevator to the Gallows
Stranger Than Paradise
The Conversation
Eastern Promises
Discovery Channel
various books on music business