ChrisLaxa profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am Half filipina/Half Italian. I am happily married to Rich and I have two beautiful girls, Kaila and Ness.

My Interests

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My faves are- Joy Luck Club,the Notebook,Legally Blonde, Clueless(you know whenever it comes on you watch eventhough you have seen it like 15 times!!HAHA), Goonies, Pulp Fiction, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, Flowers in the Attic, Nighttrain to Kathmandu, any movie that makes me bawl or makes me scared or makes me sit on the edge of my seat!....Oh and I love anime and any martial arts movies!


....Grey's Anatomy,Cashmere Mafia, Big Shots, Ugly Betty, CSI- Vegas, NY, and Miami; Prison Break, Samantha who?, The Unit, Bionic Woman, ER, Without a Trace, ALL reality on MTV, The Real Housewives of Orange County, LA Ink, Iron Chef, Kitchen Nightmares, Smallville, Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, October Road, Gossip Girl, LOST, Dexter, Californication,Weeds, Moonlight, Numbers, One Tree Hill,Ghost Hunters, Cheaters,Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Kid Nation, Oprah, Army Wives, Deadwood, Big Love, Dr. Phil.........and more!!


My daughter,My Step-daughter, Joan, all my good friends, and my HUSBAND