DLSAA 5th World Congress
Theme: "I'd Rather Be Green..."
16-18 June 2005
Baguio City, Philippines
I'd Rather Be Green Than Be Blue
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V I S I O N | De La Salle University (DLSU) – Manila is an internationally recognized Catholic university established by the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1911. Inspired by the charism of St. John Baptist de La Salle, the University harmonizes faith and life with contemporary knowledge to nurture a community of distinguished and morally upright scholars who generate and propagate new knowledge for human development and social transformation. As a resource of Church and Nation, the institution endeavors to form Lasallian Achievers for God and Country who will lead in building a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation.
M I S S I O N | Guided by this Vision, the University will become a leading research university in Southeast Asia. With its corps of eminent faculty ably supported by visionary leaders and technology-enabled professional services, the institution will offer excellent multidisciplinary programs and build a community of learners and scholars who value the pursuit of new knowledge within the perspective of Christian ideals and values. In an academic environment permeated by excellence and scholarship, the institution will train leaders, competent professionals, scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs, who will participate actively in improving the quality of life in Philippine society.