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I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .
Myspace Layouts The Los Angeles WMN began meeting in November of 2007 under the direction of Founder, Aire Red Tree at the gallery/home of Myriam Vekemans. Aire has also affiliated her record label, HER Music (standing for Heal Earth Right) with the Los Angeles WMN, and hopes to produce albums through a world wide distribution group, TATE Music. Weekly meetings were held at many locations including the home of Aire, The Do Lab, N'Light'N, Cre8tivity, and the home of Rachel Staples. Aire has since moved away from the Los Angeles area, but is still in constant contact the Los Angeles WMN. Aire continues to ignite WMN groups in cities all over the world including San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Melbourne, Australia.
The Los Angeles WMN soon appointed Rachel Staples to direct their Los Angeles meetings, events, and choir. Rachel has a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Bachelor of Science in International Affairs, she is a private vocal coach, and she has been working professionally in music, film and politics for many years. Rachel hosts meetings every week in her home (except for weeks when a WMN member volunteers to host -- special thanks to Sarah Brewer and all others who have offered to host, but have not yet been able). The choir writes, explores and performs songs which are created or presented to the choir by individual members, representing individual spiritual backgrounds comprising the women of the choir. This is an excellent way for women to have a voice in their community, exhibit their own personal culture, and it creates the opportunity for group members to accept other differing cultures from their own through song celebration and the international language of music. Many of the songs presented already have specific melodic and harmonic parts, but there are some songs which are presented to the choir which only have specific lyrics to which the choir then creates the melodic and harmonic schemes.
"The mission of the Los Angeles Womens Music Network [WMN] is to support all music of our community while raising funds in support of charities and other groups in need. We are comprised of women of all walks of music such as singers, songwriters, musicians, producers, DJs, etc. We meet monthly to connect, network, and share our work in a safe, open, and supportive space where we can receive critique & feedback as well as find possible collaborative support. Through our networking we are, in addition to our own individual music, creating collaborative ensemble projects (such as trip hop, hip hop, & rock) and also an ethereal CHOIR with the purpose to elevate the frequency of our planet and awaken the goddess energy in us all. From the songs of these ensembles and of the individual artists in our network, WMN is producing compilation albums from which a portion of the sales proceeds will go to charities. We are also throwing events that showcase musicians from our entire community including, but not limited to, the women in our network. Proceeds from these events will also fund charities from all over the world." -- LA WMN member - Ceci Castelblanco