DMK profile picture


About Me

Let's see...there's been some changes in my my life... and here goes. Still Dana, or D or dotty depending on what i've done...- but i'm 27 yrs. old now- still a pastry chef & currently the owner of a new (family owned) Bakery-Cakery-Cafe!!!! It's in downtown Skokie and most of you all know you better come by! This is finally my dream coming true....So enough about me, let's talk about me- I like everything. I can never make a decision. i love to have a little bit of it all. Intrigued by the evolution of the human mind, body, being, etc. Most of all i love to cook & bake in many ways ;)! Like to use my hands and be creative in the way i utilize things. I can never throw anything away because it all looks useful to me (but i'm trying to be better about that)...... ok now it's back to work! *COmE sEe mE aT the BaKeRY!!!!*

Myspace Layouts at / Colorful Swirls - Image Hosting

My Interests

cooking/baking, being with friends/family, hearing/seeing/dancing to music, exploring unique arts, arranging & organizing stuff (yeah- that's a weird one, eh?), reading (every once in a while), looking at cool trees and stuff like that, whatever grabs my attention (i'm ultra observant- so that's easy to do) & TRAVELING!!!! I love new places, new people, new foods, new anything & new natural wonders i'd never imagined I 'd all this WONDERFUL Tequila en mexico!!! ;) YUM!

I'd like to meet:

the old peeps i used to know & lots of new interesting ones.....


basically anything - from bluegrass to hip-hop, world music whatever's melodic, transcendent, and my ear is lucky enough to hear...i love it all! Daft Punk on the seas of Barcelona was... phenomenal I want to feel energy coming straight to me and through me when i feel music....Passion can emit so wonderfully through it.


hmmm....donnie darko, waking life, requiem for a dream, i heart hukabees, matrix movies, what the bleep do we know, lord of the rings & star wars (which i never even saw until i was older) and of course i have to admit it - i've loved splash ever since i was a little wee one (i wanna be a mermaid when i grow up) & Bambi (the saddest movie ever- but i love thumper!)


Don't get to watch these to much...but, Dead Like Me, Amazing Race (if it's a good one), 24, spy shows like MI5, ironchef! & i dont have cable but if i did i'd probably watch the food network constantly or when i'm bored i'll watch any chef that's on. I love Conan O'brien too, lately i've been up late -


Al Capone Does My Shirts, Life of Pi, Clan of the Cave Bear, Davinci Code, Lovely Bones, Celestine Prophecy, and lots of others i can't remember...



My Blog


ok- Party at MY PLACE  Friday night (august 31st) at 8:00pm. There is ALOT to celebrate... mostly i just want a night of raunchy fun in my soon-to-be old apartment. It'll be empty, EVERYONE i kn...
Posted by DMK on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:02:00 PST

gOinG to SeaTtle & vAncoUver!!

Yeah bitches- i mean friends & loved ones ; ) hehe... i am so excited- despite having the worst sore throat of my life, which will hopefully be gone soon- i am going on a little trip-e-poo! two we...
Posted by DMK on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 08:52:00 PST

Walk & Roll - May 20th!!!

Just a quick blog to invite any & all to become involved. ;) Team Roots walks to fight cancer for the 2nd year in a row!!! Please take a moment to check it out... The following is a link to my "p...
Posted by DMK on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:27:00 PST

Let Go-

Losing Everyonewhy does it seem like everyone always has to go away- whether they pass away and their bodies die here and spirits live so bittersweet inside us- or they leave behind all the memories o...
Posted by DMK on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:55:00 PST

dreams...and reality

so i realized that every one of my blogs starts off with well & that really annoys the shit out of me- but anyways i just wanted to write about how things r going and what's on my mind. That chang...
Posted by DMK on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 03:03:00 PST

i love FEIST

check her out- so good........ concert yesterday @ the park west (recorded & to be played on 93XRT) was phenomenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Posted by DMK on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 03:15:00 PST

school and other developments...

well... school is good. it's great actually. and getting better every day. soon i'll feel challenged beyond capacity and i' m hoping i can come through it feeling stronger & successful. starting w...
Posted by DMK on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 02:11:00 PST

...........subject unknown

well i'm not really bored or tired or unhappy- but i'm not excited or joyous or whatever----i'm just typing and thinking but trying not to, hey that's working! anyways i just need to write something ...
Posted by DMK on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 02:15:00 PST

new blog...

well...i thought i'd just take a second to sit here, breath, write- try to stop worrying. My mind's been a buzz for - well always, i guess- but especially now. I'm about to be in school, renting a spo...
Posted by DMK on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 02:03:00 PST


well, the last time i went to do this, i went on a long rant, just pouring out all my ideas & feelings and what happens?!?! The friggin thing $h!t$ out on me, and somehow i clicked something or hi...
Posted by DMK on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 08:29:00 PST