.:.Lots Of Stuff.:.
I'm one of those people who have to be kept busy, or be around atleast 1-2 people. The odd time I do like to be alone is when I want to complete something. I miss drinking with friends work tend to get in the way. I want to go snowboarding...Tim Hortons is my second home. I
When it comes to music i'm not very picky. I listen to all sorts. Music is basically my life. I don't think there's a time when i'm not listening to it.
I can be nice.
If you do the same back that is
I'm a good person at heart.
I try my best to do things,judge things and say things that are right.
But people do make mistakes and are entitled to it.
It's up to you to forgive and try to forget.
Now on to that topic.
I do hold grudges .
Only because my trust was broken and im looking out for myself.
I can be difficult i'm not going to lie.
Guy friends are better.
chicks are too emotional, backstabbers etc. i know i am one(but i try not to be like them)
I have many flaws some I hate some I could fix.
No ones perfect and i'm living proof.
I try and I Try and I Try.
not to give up.
I have a best friend i call Kiddo.
I love her dearly
I get hurt to. I cry. I learn.
I dont regret things i've done.
However i do learn from it.
The grass is green the sky is blue.
The egg came first.
Curiousity does kill.
So do people.
I'm not really a bad person.
I hurt when people hurt.(specially when it was my doing).
I don't always know what to say.
I love music...I listen to it when I can.
I keep things hidden well,
Specially when somethings wrong.
Patience is something you need.
when around me.
Other than that I can be the best person you know/met
if you give me the chance.
I'm Lexi
.:.Viva La Bam, Steve-o, CKY, .JackAss, Wildboyz, The NightMare Before Christmas & anything Horror.:.
.:.Fuck Tv.:.
.:.Go Ask Alice.:.