Danville? Sure. That sounds great.
Um, I learned to read recently and I really enjoy that -- I also learned to knit after Thanksgiving, so I made a sweet scarf for my mom. I'm a big fan of jigsaw puzzles -- preferably ones that are made from pictures of Nicole Brinck and I.
My sister has a diabetic cat and introduces her as "This is Cat; she's diabetic." I hope one day to be introduced like that . . . only replace diabetic with awesome . . . and Cat with Megan.
I work as a singing pizza wench -- also as a substitute teacher for high schools . . . sometimes both at the same time.
No, I don't want to be in your wedding.
"Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity." "Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it."AIM- DaRedheadMeg