.Megan. profile picture


I would like a Popple for my birthday.

About Me

Danville? Sure. That sounds great.

Um, I learned to read recently and I really enjoy that -- I also learned to knit after Thanksgiving, so I made a sweet scarf for my mom. I'm a big fan of jigsaw puzzles -- preferably ones that are made from pictures of Nicole Brinck and I.

My sister has a diabetic cat and introduces her as "This is Cat; she's diabetic." I hope one day to be introduced like that . . . only replace diabetic with awesome . . . and Cat with Megan.

I work as a singing pizza wench -- also as a substitute teacher for high schools . . . sometimes both at the same time.

No, I don't want to be in your wedding.

"Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity." "Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it."AIM- DaRedheadMeg

If looks could really kill, my profession would be staring.

My Interests


Nicole Brinck





I'd like to meet:

people who can have interesting, random conversations with lots of tangents

Best Friends


my iPod only works sometimesdifferent movie scores, Ani DiFranco, Elliott Smith, Danny Elfman, Queen, Radiohead, Modern Day Savage, Brice Woodall, Less Luke (ha), Brian Peters, Cealed Kasket, Tori Amos, The Arcade Fire, Frou Frou, M.I.A., The Hollies, Foo Fighters, Bjork, Ben Folds, Muse, Ratatat, music that Maure or Zach will play in the apartment . . . stuff like that -- a lot of stuff.
I love cello, horn, piano, oboe, bassoon, baritone saxophone, and duduk.

No seriously, I carry an iPod shuffle as backup. I smell a christmas gift coming on . . .


i'm the director.


Dexter, Weeds, It's always sunny, Family Guy, The Office, South Park, Six Feet Under, On Demand movies . . . like Buffy the Vampire Slayer . . . which I watch while doing jigsaw puzzles.


Jonathan Carroll, Christopher Moore, Thursday Next novels, Lloyd Alexander, random kids' books -- Anything by Neil. Math texts.


Cheap Soda Man, brilliant Maure, and the great BryceK

My Blog

Take it . . . you know you want to.

Yeah that's right, thanks to Bryce you can go take my fun awesome new "how well do you know me" test . . . I swear it's a ton of fun, and no pressure . . . if I took it I'd probably get about 6/10. &...
Posted by .Megan. on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:56:00 PST

Who left the bread on the porch?

Someone is storming the porch!  First our cigarettes and lighters get ganked . . . then someone steals our ashtrays (wtf?!) . . . now there was a chunk of bread left outside on the railing. ...
Posted by .Megan. on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 01:08:00 PST

on meeting new people . . .

"It is a small world.  You do not have to live in it particularly long to learn that for yourself.  There is a theory that, in the whole world, there are only five hundred real people (the c...
Posted by .Megan. on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:22:00 PST